Page 8 of Wicked Heiress

“What’s the difference between The Founders Society and the founders of Devil’s Creek?”

I knew the basics about each secret society but not everything, only what the Colonel wanted to share.

“Except for the Salvatores, the founding families of Devil’s Creek are also descendants of the Founding Fathers of the United States. You must prove your lineage to become a member of The Founders Society. The Salvatores were the first to settle in Devil’s Creek and start building here. And they founded The Devil’s Knights, which helped to get their foot in the door with The Founders Society.”

I could relate to the Salvatores. For the first eleven years of my life, I was an Adams. But I never felt part of this world, like an outsider looking through a window.

“Are you friends with the other Founders?”

“Yes.” He gripped my bicep and steered me to the left. “Drake Battle is my cousin on my mother’s side. He lives at the end of Founders Way. Sonny Cormac lives next to him. His family owns Mac Corp. I’m sure you’ve heard of their shipping company. Like the other Founders, their wealth grew exponentially during Prohibition.”

“So all of your families are linked because of Prohibition?”

He bobbed his head. “Drake started Battle Industries to improve on his grandfather’s weapons manufacturing company. The Battles provided The Founders with weapons back then. Still do.”

“And the Salvatores were smugglers? So what do they do now?”

“They own Salvatore Global and have made billions providing security services. But off the books, they help wealthy men do illegal shit. Their connections to crime families are useful to The Knights.”

“And the fifth family?” I asked as we entered my new bedroom on the second floor.

The space had its own sitting room with couches and chairs. The bed was built for a king and had tons of comfy pillows and bedding that felt like silk when I ran my hand over the duvet.

“The Wellingtons,” he said with a curt nod. “Carl Wellington is the third wealthiest man in the world. He owns Wellington Pharmaceuticals and a ton of other companies.”

My lips parted in shock. “I use their lotion and shampoo.”

Wellington Pharmaceuticals made everything from hand lotion and makeup to vaccines.

Cole opened the double doors to the walk-in closet. I imagined myself sitting on the bench at the center of the room, getting lost in a pile of expensive clothes. Hangers, drawers, shelves, and racks were filled with clothing that didn’t belong to me. I couldn’t even count all the shoes—everything from jeweled flip-flops to heels.

“My mother went a little overboard when she heard you were coming to live with us,” Cole said with a light shrug. “She always wanted a daughter but got three boys.”

“I can see that.” My cheeks hurt from smiling hard. “Remind me to thank her.”

My last bedroom was smaller than the closet and had a twin bed and a dresser. Military housing had no frills, and my dad kept things simple. The Colonel believed in only bringing what you need.

We exited the closet, and Cole opened the French doors to the patio overlooking the bay. The salty air floated into my nostrils, along with a cool breeze that rustled my hair.

“I’m right down the hall if you need me.” Cole pointed his finger. “Last door on the left.”

He was five balconies from mine.

“We’re not the type of family that eats every meal together when we’re home,” Cole said as we entered the bedroom, closing the doors behind him. “My mom is usually busy with charity work. The twins rarely are home during the summer. And my dad tends to hole up in his office, drinking and trying to find ways to take over the universe.”

I couldn’t tell if he was kidding about the last part, but I laughed.

He nodded at the desk with an intercom. “If you get hungry, dial one for the kitchen.”

“What can I order?”

“Anything.” Cole slid his hands to his hips, a blank expression on his face, so I couldn’t tell if he was serious until he said, “We have chefs on-site who can make any dish you want to eat. It doesn’t matter what time of day. Someone is always working.”

“Wow,” I mouthed and let my gaze fall over the room fit for a queen.

“I’ll let you get settled in before dinner.” Cole flashed a killer grin that made the dimple on his right cheek pop. “Welcome to Fort Marshall, Grace. I hope you like your stay here.”

Chapter Four