Page 55 of Wicked Heiress

Chapter Thirty


I packed whatever I could into a backpack and slung it over my shoulder. Creeping into the hallway, I kept my footsteps light, careful not to make a sound. Fort Marshall had more rooms than I could count and enough staff to run a hotel. I couldn’t risk letting anyone see me.

It was almost two o’clock. The upper floors were dark, with only the dimly lit wall sconces creating a golden glow on the hardwood floor. Using the light as my guide, I tiptoed in a pair of sneakers down the long corridor.

Clutching the thick, wooden railing, I descended the stairs with the grace of a dancer, light on my feet. Downstairs, it was much darker. I bumped into a table with my hip. A glass vase tipped over, but thankfully, it hit my stomach, and I saved it in time.

“Is someone there?” a female voice called out. “Mark, is that you?”


I stumbled into the living room and waved to Willow. “It’s just me.”

“Grace,” she whispered. “What are you doing up so late? You should be in bed.”

I didn’t know how to respond, so I said nothing.

Willow padded over to me, tugging at the belt of the silky robe. Her long, blonde hair flowed down her shoulders, slightly curled at the ends. Cole was the mirror image of his mother, who was still stunning.

Her eyes lowered to my bag. “Grace, you can’t leave.” She curled her fingers around my wrist, concern dripping from her tone. “If you were to disappear from our home, your grandfather would hold us responsible.”

“Then why did Cole tell me to pack a bag?”

Her eyes widened with surprise, but she quickly recovered from the news and said, “Sweetheart, he’s not thinking clearly, especially regarding you.” She led me over to the couch. “Cole means well, but he’s misguided.”

I dropped my bag onto the floor and sat beside Willow, propping myself against a throw pillow. “What’s so important that he wanted me to leave in the middle of the night?”

She smoothed a hand down the front of the robe. “Your grandfather is coming back to Devil’s Creek.”

My heart pounded so hard I wondered if Willow could hear the rapid beating. It felt like it was ready to punch a hole through my chest.


Willow sighed. “I’m sorry, Grace. Your grandfather has plans for you.”

My mom died when I was nine, and after thirteen years, I barely remembered her. But having Willow around this summer reminded me of what it was like to have a mother.

“It’s okay, Grace,” Cole said as he entered the room. “My mom is right. I shouldn’t have asked you to go. My plan wouldn’t have worked, anyway.”

Willow turned to look at me. “Your grandfather would have found the two of you and punished our family for it. And I can’t imagine what he would have done to you.”

I lifted my bag from the floor and joined them. “I want to be free of him and go home with my dad.”

Willow hugged me with one arm. “I know, sweetie. The Colonel will be home before you know it.”

I glanced at Cole. “What is Rhys planning with my grandfather?”

He rolled his broad shoulders. “I don’t know yet. But I wanted to get you out of the crosshairs before you find out.”

Cole dug his teeth into his bottom lip and looked at his mother. There was something he wasn’t telling me.

Willow pulled me closer. “Grace, I hate to be the one to tell you this… but Rhys filmed the two of you together.”

Her confession sucked the air from my lungs.

“No one has seen the video,” Willow added. “But Rhys mentioned it to Cole before he left. The Vanderbilts are trying to use you to extort your grandfather.”