Page 6 of Milk & Cookie

I reach over, snatch his tablet away, and glance at the screen before throwing him a questionable look. “You’re reading porn?”

“Erotic romance,” he corrects me, grabbing it back. “There’s a story.”

“Sure there is.” I give him a disapproving look. “It’s mid-morning.”

“And you’d prefer me to reschedule my sexual gratification to a time you find more suitable?” He swipes to turn the page and remains enthralled.

“You’re at work,” I remind him.

He gives a dismissive half-shrug. “The boss said I could.”

“You’re self-employed.”

“Exactly. How else would I get away with wearing sweats to the office?” He slides his hand down his pants, and I avert my gaze. The joke has to end soon.

It doesn’t.

The second he utters an indulgent moan, I kick his desk. “For the love of fuck, Daryl. Will you please put it down?”

He looks up from his reading. “My book or my dick?”

I turn my back to him. “Both.” I venture a glance, to see if he’s done fooling around, but if anything, he’s sped up.

He shakes his head and pumps away. “Can’t stop. I’m at a good part, and I waited three chapters to get here. Don’t ruin it.”

“Fine. I’m leaving.” I grab my bag and sling it over my shoulder.

“Town or just my office?” He stops stroking and looks up from his screen. “I thought you were here till the end of the week.”

“That’s what I wanted to talk to you about. I was thinking about staying for longer, but you’re about to drive me away for good. I’ll be outside. Come find me when you’re done.”

I close the door behind me, shudder, and set off for the organic bakery down the street that should be open now. It’s tiny, and they have a small selection of specialties they bake, but they make a great cheesy, garlicky bread thing that I love, and I can eat about six of those tasty sumbitches before Jason’s voice dominates my thoughts and demands I go find some fruit and vegetables.

The bell over the door jingles, and the woman with earthy, bohemian vibes and a faded bandana over her hair dusts her floury hands on her apron, as she turns to greet me.

She snorts and reaches for a brown paper bag, whipping it open before picking up her tongs. She snaps them at me like a crocodile’s mouth and does little to hide her amusement when she taps them knowingly at the basket of cheese-and-garlic twists. “How many this time?”

“Four, please.” My cheeks warm a little. “For a start.”

“For a start.” She nods, while I dig into my pocket for some cash.

“We may need to make an extra batch a day, to cater for you and my usual customers,” she says once she’s packaged my order and looks at the few remaining bread twists in her basket. “How long are you in town for?”

“Only till the end of the week. Visiting a friend.” I add the last part because small towns thrive on gossip, and if I’m taking the lion’s share of baked goods, the town folk will be pleased to know the situation is temporary. “I’ll stop depriving others of these delicious bad boys soon. I promise.”

She waves a don’t-be-silly hand at me. “Well, I appreciate the revenue your appetite brings, so come back and see your friend as often as you like, and we’ll make sure there’s plenty for you to eat.”

I can’t help my smile. “Thank you. You know, I was actually thinking about coming back soon. I’m liking it here more and more with each passing hour.”

She hands me my change and the bag of bread twists. “It’s a safe and friendly place for kids, if you’re thinking of bringing your family with you next time. If they eat like you do, I’ll be set for my retirement.”

My kids? Nothing like an innocent assumption, to sink my good mood.

“Sadly, I haven’t been blessed with children yet,” I inform her. “And I’m fast approaching my best before date, so it may not be wise to count any retirement-plan chickens hatching in my nest.” I raise my bagged goodies and head for the door. “Thanks for the snack, Ma’am.”

The fresh air hits me, and I hold my face to the sun, letting it lift my spirits. I won’t give up hope. Especially when I have an adventurous and sexy young mama I’d like to explore some opportunities with.

Daryl finds me on a nearby park bench, surrounded by agitated ducks.