Page 21 of Milk & Cookie

I look down at the flowers Vince gave me and swallow hard. Conceiving through pleasureless sex feels like a chore. It doesn’t hold the same appeal as getting bred by Vince, but Mom’s fears are valid. I can’t deny that.

I give her a small smile. “I’ll think about it.”

This time I’m not lying. I will think about it — think about how little I want anything else, now that Vince has shown me something different. He’s opened a door to a new world of possibilities, but I haven’t thought nearly enough about what that could mean for me and my family.



Ilet myself back into Daryl’s basement as the sun’s coming up, and fall into his guest bed, exhausted.

With no fucking regrets about getting up at ridiculous o’clock, to talk with Frederica. I stretched and pleasured the fuck out of her so well she could barely stand afterward. I left her snuggled in my shirt while I tidied the bakery and did her dishes, so she could start her next batch of bread feeling more refreshed.

She thanked me with baked goods and a kiss that started out sweet but ended with her back on the table, screaming my name, while I tongued-fucked her juicy pussy and stretched her some more.

She’ll need some time to recover over the next few days, but with a bit more training, I’m now positive she’ll be able to take my cock. The idea is so fantastic, I couldn’t keep from fucking myself on the way back to Daryl’s in the dark. I came in his front hedge before dawn, while I imagined shooting the load into my angel’s gorgeous, chubby, fertile cunt.

I’m in love, and Fred’s gorgeous little body is going to be a perfect fit. It’s everything I’ve wished for, and nothing’s going to stop me from this dream come true. I’m all in. I’m moving to town and making her mine.

I close my eyes and drift toward sleep with a smile on my face.

Until the door flies open and Daryl leaps onto my bed and bounces like a maniac, the way he has every morning since I arrived.

“It’s morning. Get up. It’s a new day, and you didn’t die in your sleep.”

I pull a pillow over my head. “Every fucking day, Daz? What’s wrong with you? You’re going to break the bed.”

“At our age, we have to see each day as a blessing,” he says, still jumping.

“We’re not that old.” I swat at him, but he leaps to the other side of the bed, out of reach.

“We. Will. Be. Soon,” he says between jumps, getting short of breath now.

I throw the nearest cushion at him. “You need to work on your fitness.”

He grins. “What do you think I’m doing?”

“Getting dangerously close to death.” I show him my balled fists. “I just got in from seeing Fred. Would you kindly leave, so I can fucking dream about her?”

He stops jumping, and the springy mattress slowly bounces to a settled state.

“You did?” he asks.

“Yes.” I reach behind me for another pillow and pull it over my crotch area as I tent the blanket with my swelling cock.

Daryl gives me a wary side look. “Don’t go having the kind of dreams that’ll get my guest bed wet. I doubt my next guest will appreciate it.”

“Don’t be gross.”

“Gross? I already have to burn the sheets because you insist on sleeping naked, like a giant baby. I’m only asking you not to soil the mattress, too.”

I roll my eyes. “I sleep hot, and I bring and launder my own fucking linens, so I don’t have to suffer your trashy, synthetic bedding. Also, your next guest will be me. I’m leaving tomorrow afternoon, but I’m coming back. Hopefully for good.”

He jumps to the floor, and then climbs onto the foot of the bed, to sit cross-legged and study me. “Seriously?” He grins, quickly straightens his face for all of half a second and then grins again. “We get to hang out more? And not just when you take fake holidays so you get enough quiet time to figure out mystery shit?” He glances at the stack of reading materials and files on my nightstand.

I nod and look at the case I need to wrap up. “Yeah. I’m thinking of retiring from investigation work and getting back to my mountain roots. My soul has worn thin fighting the dark side, and I miss the simplicity of a country lifestyle. Earthy, outdoor work is hard but rewarding in a way that sustains the soul, you know?”

“You sound like a hippy.”