The float down into the bottom of the cliff was awe-inspiring. Different shades of reds, pinks, and oranges colored the beautiful, jagged cliff. My eyes went wide with wonder. I haven’t seen such beauty on New Earth. In fact, I haven’t been outside of the Shelter before to see what was on New Earth. The only times I’ve been outside the Shelter was when I had to fix the cameras outside the perimeters of the Shelter or the solar panels and other fixtures that help run our Shelter. My entire life had been within the Shelter, the only home I knew. Mom and I had decorated and made the Shelter into what Mom remembered of Old Earth. Although I had seen photos and films of beautiful places on Old Earth, like the Grand Canyon, this cliff I was floating down onto was similar, but with richer reds.

“There!” Sally said. “In front of you. There’s the mass I told you about.”

“I can’t believe it,” I cried out. “It’s a ship. A ship, Sally!”

Right in front of me was a circular metallic structure which reminded me of the spaceships from Old Earth’s 1950s alien films. “Could this be the ship Mom was looking for?” I asked.

“It could be,” Sally said. “There’s one way to find out, Evie.” We floated straight down in front of the entrance.

“Let’s hope Mom is here,” I said.


The spaceship was deceptively huge. Standing in front of the entrance, I could only stare straight up into the ship like a large skyscraper building in Old Earth’s big cities. The ship was like a flying city.

Windows adorned the entire side of the ship, like shining jewels on a Christmas ornament. The metallic covering of the ship was flat, smooth, and reflective like a mirror. Walking up to the ship, I could see my own reflection.

An ingenious design, it camouflaged the ship, yet was able to reflect the intense heat that radiated from the surface of New Earth during the daytime. I couldn’t tell what material the ship was made of, but despite traveling such a tremendous amount of distance, it held up remarkably. From where I stood, it looked like it was in excellent condition.

But inside? There was no telling what it was like inside without exploring.

Despite wearing a suit, now deflated, and a bubble helmet, I was lean, athletic, and of decent height for a 13-year-old. My long dark brown hair and hazel eyes gazed into the mirror to see the weariness on my face behind my helmet’s front cover.

On Old Earth, they would consider me attractive because of the perfect symmetry I had between my facial features. My mother, herself, was considered attractive, and my father, according to my mother, was a “hottie”. Although I had never met my father since he died before I was born, I always pictured him as a handsome movie star. That was how I pictured any good-looking person, since I spent most of my years in the Shelter, devouring all the films I could find from Old Earth.

“How do I get in?” I asked Sally. “Can you scan the ship to find some kind of entrance?”

“Already on it,” Sally said.

I looked around, trying to see if the disk-like structure had any seams that would be an opening.

“Found it,” Sally said. “Take 10 steps to your right.”

“Okay,” I said, following her direction. When I took the steps I faced the ship, wondering how I could get in.

“Now put your palms on the ship, both thumbs touching and fingers apart.”

I did as Sally said and waited.

“Are you sure this is right?” I asked.

Sally said, “Yes.”

“How do you know?” I asked.

“Because” Sally said. “Your mother Jana, the most brilliant engineer and scientist ever, built me. And… surprise surprise, Evie, she built this ship, too. My system has already recognized the ship’s system. I’m syncing in.”

“Wow, Mom built this ship?” I asked.

“Yes,” Sally the Suit said. “Your mother, Jana Gee, is classified as a genius. Her IQ level is much higher than the average human. She is particularly skilled at technology, engineering, science, and problem solving. She built this ship, the Shelter, and me,” Sally said.

“And had me, to boot,” I said proudly. “Mom is a total badass.”

“Language,” Sally said.

“Sorry,” I said.

“Your mother is not only a badass,” Sally said. “She programmed me to guide you when she’s not available. That includes guiding you according to your age and experience level.”