I paused, considering. “I mean, I did kind of kidnap you,” I admitted. “So you had grounds for suspicion when you really think about it. I guess I should probably apologize for the whole kidnapping-you thing, too.”
Iris blinked, then started laughing. “You know? I almost completely forgot about that,” she said, and brought her lips to mine.
Rustling to our left was the only thing that broke the kiss. I spun, holding onto Iris, ready to fight despite the wolfsbane still pumping through my body. I only relaxed when I saw Tannen and Malcolm strolling toward us, both a little bruised but not seriously injured.
Malcolm saw me and raised an eyebrow. “More wolfsbane?” he asked. When I nodded, he clicked his tongue, every bit the old boss I’d admired and been terrified of. “Getting sloppy if you’re letting a human get the drop on you like that.”
“Oh, knock it off,” Tannen said to Malcolm. “Rand got scratched by one, too. Mark’s checking on him. Besides that, though, everyone surrendered pretty quickly. Most of the fight left them after their leader died.” He looked at Iris. “Iris, you okay?”
“Still recovering and a bit shaky, but I’ll be all right, thanks.”
“You should have seen her, Malcolm,” I said, beaming proudly. “She used her powers like it was second nature. Managed to avoid every swipe of her brother’s dagger no matter what he did.”
Malcolm grinned. “Excellent,” he said. “See?” he said to Iris. “I told you it would pay off.”
“I think it was a fluke,” she said, blushing. “Sort of brought on by adrenaline, you know? I couldn’t do anything like that earlier. Otherwise, I wouldn’t have been dragged back here in the first place.”
“Fight or flight is a powerful tool,” Malcolm agreed. “But that doesn’t change the fact that you were able to do so.”
I groaned. “Malcolm, you’ve got that look you used to get when you watched us sparring on the training mat. At least give her until after the babies are here.”
Malcolm grumbled about not getting to have any fun.
“You could always come out of retirement and go back to the military,” I pointed out.
Malcolm scoffed. “If I do that, I’m dragging you boys with me.”
I opened my mouth, then closed it, knowing him well enough to know he wasn’t joking.
“On second thought, retirement suits you,” I said as I stood with a grunt, dusting off my pants and looking at Iris with a smile. “Let’s go home.”
Chapter 21 - Iris
I collapsed back on the couch, smiling through my exhaustion as I watched Malcolm bouncing Rayna and Willow on both knees. The babies were giggling happily, burbling and drooling as Malcolm watched over them fondly.
“Thanks for this, Malcolm,” I said, wiping my forehead even as I yawned. “I love those girls, but oh my goodness, are they a handful.”
“Happy to help,” Malcolm said. He seemed to have taken upon himself the role of adoring grandfather to the twins. Not that I minded. It was nice having someone who knew what they were doing when it came to children. Otherwise, I felt like I was drowning at times.
But looking at these two girls made it all worth it.
I leaned over and rested my head against Alek, who put his arm around me as I snuggled into him.
“So, no trouble from the village, then?” I asked, unable to keep the unease out of my voice. I had been too afraid to ask about it, even though I knew the Silver Wolves had been in discussion with them ever since Dad and Jason had died.
“According to Jameson, they set up a truce,” Malcolm said. “They’re still not the biggest fan of us dangerous ‘wolf men,’ but they also don’t want the all-out war your father and brother were proposing. So, we made an agreement: we don’t go on their land or steal any of their women—” he looked pointedly at Alek, who gave an innocuous whistle. “—and they won’t antagonize us. We know they have the weapons to do it, so it’s a mutually beneficial relationship.”
“Good,” I said. “That’s good.”
The girls giggled happily, and I watched, relishing Alek’s warmth. His hand went to the small of my back, sending shivers through me in a way that warmed my insides and ignited a small fire. I leaned into it, looking up at him in what I knew must be obvious hunger.
Malcolm gave us a sly look. “You know, I think the twins here could use some friends today. I can bring them over to Jenn’s, and they can play with her kids for a while.
“That would be great, actually,” Alek said. His fingers had started tracing small circles on my back.
“In that case, let me just gather some things, and the three of us will be on our way.”
Collecting his belongings took Malcolm a very short time, and a few minutes later, he was waving as he sauntered out the door, the twins in tow.