For a psychic, I was pretty terrible at figuring out the truth.

I paced back and forth, running options through my head on how to get a definitive answer. There was really only one thing I could do to be sure.


An hour later, after going into town on my own, buying a pregnancy test, and hurrying back, I waited anxiously, staring at the stick lying on the counter.

I didn’t want to tell Alek. Not until I knew for certain. I didn’t want to freak him out by asking him to take me into town to get a test. But I had to know, even though going into Brixton on my own had been mildly terrifying.

But nothing had really happened. A few people had glanced my way, sniffing as they gave me curious looks—apparently, they could smell I was human—while a couple of others had shot me glares as they stalked past. But beyond that, most everything had been easy. Easier than dealing with people in my own village, even.

My leg jittered up and down, and my arms wrapped around my stomach as I waited. My stomach was churning again, only this time, I couldn’t tell if my queasiness was from genuine morning sickness or nerves.

Those three minutes seemed to last an eternity. But eventually, it was over. I snatched up the test and stared at the results.


I stared at the stupid double line indicating that yes, I was pregnant. I willed it to change, praying I was misreading it. It didn’t change.

I collapsed backward.

How did I feel? I tried to figure it out, and I couldn’t tell. I wasn’t as horrified as I’d thought I would be. I was nervous, absolutely, but I wasn’t frightened or angry. Stunned, more than anything.

As the shock wore off, a feeling of tentative happiness moved into its place. I liked the idea of a little kid running around, maybe with Alek’s red hair or my eyes. The thought was enough to make me smile. It was terrifying but exciting at the same time.

Now all I needed to do was figure out how to break it to the father of my child.

I went downstairs and curled up on the couch, waiting for Alek to come home. As I did, another horror shot through me with so much force that my entire body tensed.

Alek was a shifter. I was a human. What would happen to the baby? What were shifter babies like? Would this baby even be a shifter? Would they be rejected because they weren’t one if that happened? Would they be okay, or would there be some genetic problem?

And what about me? Could a human even carry a shifter’s baby?

All of this swirled inside me like a tempest, clouding everything else. I forced myself to take a deep breath, to gather my thoughts and calm down. There were too many questions I was unable to answer. I had to wait for Alek.

I mentally prepared myself for the conversation about to take place.

Chapter 12 - Alek

I knew something was off the minute I walked through the door.

I froze, nostrils flaring. Something was different, but I couldn’t figure out what. My skin prickled, then panic set in. Iris. Had her family somehow found her?

“Iris?” I yelled.

“In here.” Her voice came from the living room.

I instantly relaxed and let out a breath. I strolled over to the living room. She was curled up on the couch, biting her nails as she stared at nothing. Her eyes flicked to the doorway when I entered, and she gave me an uneasy smile.

“Hey,” she said.

“Hey yourself.” Her scent had changed. That was what was different. Her normal scent was there, but there was something mixed with it.

Then it hit me, and my mouth dropped open in shock. “You’re pregnant,” I blurted out without thinking.

Iris’s eyes narrowed, her brow furrowing in confusion. “How did you know?” Something like panic tinted the edges of her words. “I haven’t told anyone. I only just took the test—”

“I can smell it,” I said simply. “Your scent changed. I should have noticed this morning, but I was too exhausted when I was leaving for it to register.” I really wasn’t a morning person.