“I…” I frowned, chewing on my lips as I mulled over what he was saying. “I think that might help,” I acknowledged.
“In that case, it’s settled.” Klyte grinned, clapping me on the back. “I’ll have Jenn set it up.”
Chapter 7 - Iris
I still remember the way we first met. I’d been wandering through the woods on my own after having snuck out of the house. I’d needed a break from my family and the only way for me to do that was in secret. Otherwise, I was under their thumb all the time.
As I walked, I got the strange sensation that someone was watching me, only I attributed it to my being paranoid. It wouldn’t have been the first time I got weird, intuitive feelings like that. And I was in the forest, after all, where I’d always been told horror stories about the wolf-men lurking in the shadows, ready to snatch you the instant you were alone. But going into the woods was my only option if I wanted to get any sort of respite.
So I ignored it, instead just enjoying my hike, going slowly so as to watch and listen for nature. The rustle of leaves as a mouse darted across my path, the crash of a deer through the brush, never hearing anything out of the ordinary.
Eventually, though, my stomach growled and my mouth went dry. A bush filled with berries was just up ahead, and I hurried over.
I was just about to put one in my mouth when a voice behind me said, “Don’t eat that.”
Startled, the berries fell from my hand as I spun around, thoughts of those old stories racing through my head. But what I saw was a gorgeous, muscular man. He was about my age, maybe a little older, but he seemed to tower above me. Every inch of his body looked perfectly sculpted, and his red hair seemed to go all over the place. When it caught in the dappled light, it looked as though it were on fire.
“Who are you?” I asked. It was all I could think to say. I knew all of the men in the village, and absolutely none of them compared to the Adonis in front of me. My heart thundered even as I drank him in.
“Alek,” he said.
“You’re, um…” My mouth was dry. “Not from around here.”
“No,” he said, taking a step closer. “I moved nearby recently and happened to be exploring. It’s a good thing I did, too.” He was a half step in front of me, close enough for me to see every individual eyelash as he looked down at me. Then he bent, picking up the berries. “These are harmless to touch but deadly to eat. If you’d had any, you’d’ve been dead in less than five minutes.”
He threw them so far into the woods that I couldn’t even hear them hit the leaves covering the ground.
“I thought they were blackberries,” I said, still unable to take my eyes off his face.
He shrugged. “Common mistake. Just glad I was here to help.”
“You can thank me by giving me your name,” he said.
“Do you live nearby?” he asked.
“A village not far from here,” I said. “I should probably get back…” But the words sounded feeble, even to my own ears. I didn’t want to leave this mysterious man. I wanted to stay, to learn more about him. I was a virgin, but I wondered what his mouth would feel pressed against mine, what it would be like to feel rough bark against my back as he pushed me against the nearest tree.”
“Sure, you can’t stick around a bit longer?” he asked. “It’s a gorgeous day, and it would be a shame to finish my hike alone.”
“I…all right.” Color rose to my cheeks.
Grinning, he jerked his head. “Come on. I know a place with a great view not far from here.”
And so we spent the rest of the day together, hiking and laughing. I was shocked at how easy it was for me to talk to him. Easier than it had been with Jason or Dad. There was something about Alek that made it impossible not to enjoy myself.
Time melted away, and it wasn’t until I saw the red gold of sunset spread across the sky that I checked my watch and panic struck. Shit. I’d lost track of time. I needed to get back before Dad or Jason found out. I’d probably need to swing by the store and buy something as an excuse.
“I’ve got to go,” I said.
“Can I walk you back?”
“No,” I said, a little too hastily. If Dad and Jason got wind that I’d been spending time in the woods with a stranger, there’d be hell to pay. “No, thanks, though. It was nice meeting you.”
His hand grabbed my arm before I could leave.