Page 80 of Biker's Enemy

"I am ready to get the fuck out of here and earn some money," she says. "Let's go."

"Earn?" I grumble.

"Yes," she says stubbornly. "Earn. Now saddle up, white boys. Let's go save a baby."

From kidnapping a baby to saving one... I’m glad Oske is a Shaw problem.



Avery sleeps in the back of the Rav-4 in a comfortable car seat. Deb upgraded her seat while she had custody of her in Missouri.

Juliette insists that Mariah Carey is "just as important" to brain development as classical music, so that's what we have playing in the car at a soft, gentle volume. Driving back to Santa Fe with Avery in the back, Mariah Carey playing, and a mission accomplished without either of us dying, we both feel good.

I at least wait until we pass through Kansas to express my doubts.

"Don't you think that was too easy?"

"That's the trauma talking," Juliette replies calmly.

"What are you talking about?" I grumble, wishing I could disappear into my seat. Juliette relishes uncomfortable conversations in a way that I don't.

She excitedly wriggles in her seat as if she's been keeping this conversation topic loaded in the chamber.

"Well," Juliette starts dramatically. "You keep expecting danger around every corner. You have to train your mind to believe the world is a safe place."

"There's literally a gang of Nazi bikers hunting down members of the club including my boyfriend, and possibly Avery if her mom is connected to them."

Juliette is quiet for a beat.

“Boyfriend?!” Juliette says. “Is that what’s going on?”

“Girl, I don’t know. It’s the closest I’ve ever come. I think.”

“Yes… Finally, you are admitting real feelings.”

“When did I say that?”

“You are.”

“I am not,” I reply. “And can we focus on the Nazi biker problem?”

"Sure, there may be Nazi bikers," she says. "But we made it this far."

"I'm amazed your relentless optimism hasn't gotten you killed."

"It got me to Santa Fe," Juliette says. "And it got me to go on an awesome road trip with my best friend."

She has a point there.

"Thanks, girl. I love you too."

"See? We're fine. Just relax and don't think about anything."

"We should think about some things," I say.

"Like what?"