Juliette sighs. "Fine. He's probably overreacting because that's what men do. We'll just go to Deborah Shaw's house."
"You know where that is?"
"Uh, yeah," Juliette says. "But we have to find a car that we can sneak off in and we have kind of a long drive on our hands..."
"Are we going to get caught?"
Juliette shrugs. "Not if I break every law on the way there."
"Okay. What about the kids?"
"I'll call someone," Juliette says. "Do you mind checking on them while I make those calls?"
I nod and then ask her about the car.
"I'll handle the car," she says. "Don't worry. It's been a long time since I've been on an adventure..."
I hope it won't be much of an "adventure" outside of maybe seeing a cool porcupine on the side of the road or something. I just want to get Avery and get back here.
Tanner would rain hell on me if anything happened to us and my ass isn't ready for that -- at all.
Oske sticks her head out the door of the trailer. Her high, Indian cheekbones are a raw, red color from spending too much time in the sun.
“I’m not letting your white ass in this trailer until you pay up,” she says, practically spitting on me over her $1,400.
“Ever considered your girl left your ass because of your attitude.”
“MONEY!” Oske yells at me, some of her spit landing on my three day old beard. I glare at her and wipe it off before reaching into my back pocket. Southpaw had better compensate my ass for having to deal with this wolverine of a woman. I’ve met softer cacti. She snatches it and presses it to her nose, calming down only slightly as she thumbs through hundreds.
“All there,” I tell her. Oske looks up at me without the slightest hint of fear.
“Ruger has her locked in my bedroom. He’s drunk on the couch.”
“Where do you sleep?”
“Outside,” she says through gritted teeth. “I’m not falling asleep in the same room as Ruger Blackwood.”
There’s genuine fear in that last sentence and considering Oske doesn’t give a shit about anything, I notice that fear. I grab her forearm, yanking her out of the trailer and shutting the door. She hits me several times until I let go of her forearm.
“Grab me like that again and you won’t have to worry about having more bastards.”
“Excuse me?”
“I heard you fucked around and had a baby,” she says, getting all puffed up when she notices my slight reaction. “What? I’m allowed to listen to conversations in my own house.”
I roll my eyes. Confidently wrong. Typical. I’m not here to set the record straight. I need to find out how quickly I can get this fucking job done so I can get Quin back from Juliette’s. I’m sure it won’t take more than three days around Juliette for them to get into trouble.
“How has Ruger been?”
“He’s worse than Gideon,” he says. “He called me a squaw. I should charge Wyatt for that too.”
“Ever considered charging us money for actual work?”
“I’m not a whore,” she says, wrinkling her nose. “So get that out of your head.”