I nod. For Avery, obviously. Since the first night, the intruder hasn’t come back, so I tell myself that won’t be a problem anymore. And anyway, I have my suspicions about the intruder.
I just need to find a way to trap him…
Oblivious to my plans, Tanner slides a stack of papers across his desk. Clearly, he’s known about this updated contract for a long time.
“What are the new conditions? Can you summarize?”
“Everythings highlighted,” he says calmly.
My eyes scan the highlighted sections for changes.
Terms of Employment
Quin Nash agrees to provide childcare services for Tanner Hollingsworth’s sister, Avery Hollingsworth henceforth known as AVERY for the duration of the next 39 weeks.
The first change hits me immediately, highlighted in orange. He wants to give our contract a definitive end in 39 weeks. Okay. I find the specificity strange, but notice nothing particularly unusual about it. All the tasks pertaining to Avery remain the same, which doesn’t surprise me. The confidentiality agreement remains the same, not like that has been relevant.
This contract will be terminated at the end of the 39 week period unless Quin Nash produces a positive pregnancy test, in which case, she will remain in Tanner Hollingsworth’s custody until he can assure the child’s parentage.
What. The. Fuck.
“Tanner. Why did you put this section in?”
His glare strikes me as unnecessarily fierce.
“You confessed to running around getting fucked by strangers,” he says harshly. “I have enough problems. Trust me, this is for your own good.”
I want to argue with him, but I’m the one who came up with that stupid lie to try to get my hands on Plan B. My period isn’t due for a little bit, so maybe I’ll be just fine.
Right. I’ll get my period and be completely fine, making this part of the contract unimportant enough that it doesn’t matter if I sign or not. At this point… I can’t leave Avery.
“It seems a little controlling.”
“You don’t have to sign it,” he says. “I would happily let you go to get fucked by another stranger if that’s what you want.”
This is the second time my boss has used the word ‘fuck’ like that in front of me and I know he’s drunk off his ass but damn… I give him a disapproving look and that gives Tanner enough motivation to stifle whatever rude comment might have popped out of his mouth next.
“I’ll sign it,” I say softly, putting my signature down for Avery’s sake only. Tanner slowly sips more whiskey as he watches me sign the document. Once I’m done he exhales with relief and sets the whiskey bottle down.
“Good,” he says. “I have to go out of town for a funeral tomorrow. My aunt will be here at 9 a.m. sharp and she’ll be here with you until I get back.”
“A funeral?”
“I don’t want to talk about it,” Tanner says gruffly. “I’ll see you before I leave.”
He gazes pointedly at the door to his office. Message received.
“Great,” I respond, desperately trying to hold together my professionalism. “I’ll have Avery ready in time to say goodbye.”
Modern men don’t get it. Chasing pussy will never be worth the trouble. Marriage on the other hand? Worth every fight. Worth every fucking hard moment – even when I’m the one causing most of those hard moments. I never thought I would have to bring something like this to Anna again. A list of the dead.
Hawk is on his way to Missouri. This time, Juliette agreed to a safehouse. Anna did too, but she hasn’t left yet. Part of me doesn’t want her to leave. If it weren’t for the kids… I would keep this woman right by my side where she belongs.
“Your mom says it’s the nicest spot you could hope for in Arizona,” Anna says as she packs the last of her things in the Louis Vuitton suitcase I bought her last Christmas. She told me that she didn’t have a real need for anything so fancy, but I insisted. I’m beginning to regret that sentimental purchase wrapped up in an apology for being a degenerate gambler…