While a stranger couldn’t make it past my security system, I know every inch of this house and the vulnerabilities that comprise it. One vulnerability in particular causes my dick to tent my pants even further. I look like a criminal. It isn’t a bad thing, I guess, because that’s exactly what I am.
This type of thing is dangerous without a plan, but I don’t envision myself sleeping through another night without sliding my fingers and eventually my cock between my black nanny’s pussy lips.
I’m too fucking impatient. I need Quin now.
It’s amazing that Tanner hasn’t noticed the fact that I only sleep three hours a night. He never comments on how tired I look. Maybe I’m good at hiding it. Whenever I get close to falling asleep, I see apparitions or get intense flashbacks to that night. The smell of bleach makes me want to throw up. I have to hide all the symptoms of my PTSD from Tanner, which is pretty easy.
But tonight, he was just pissing me off and getting under my skin. He’s so goddamn selfish and wrapped up in his feelings about Avery, but he doesn’t care about this poor baby’s development beyond hiring me.
And did he really hire me? He kidnapped me before offering me a job.
I hear a thud against my window. My heart stops in my chest and cold fear spreads throughout my body, numbing all my limbs and freezing me in place. I’ve never heard a sound like that outside my window before. My bursting heart quickly interrupts the freeze. I sit up, but the window opens all on its own. The locked window.
I gasp and my first instincts are probably stupid. Hide. I rip the gigantic down comforter over my head – completely unnecessary in Arizona if it weren’t for the air-conditioning.
What the hell is hiding beneath the covers going to do for me? I have never been in a situation like this before that has ended well. I normally barricade my room and that has worked perfectly well. The last time a man attacked me… I fought back. I killed him. Going through that again scares me more than what might happen to me.
The footsteps draw closer to me and my fear only grows more intense. I can’t move this time. I may have attacked my adoptive brother, but I can’t bring myself to do it again. Even when I start hearing heavy breathing.
I feel a hand tugging at the comforter and dragging it away from my body. I hold onto it, like I can possibly hide from this intruder who already has his hand on the comforter. Instinctively, I know it’s a man. There’s no way a woman could be doing this.
I drag the comforter around my body tightly. The hand drags it away. Easily. Only a man could be that strong. I yelp as the fabric nearly shreds my palms when he pulls it away. The comforter falls to the ground with a thud and I can still hear the intruder’s slow, heavy breathing.
The last defense I have is burying my face in my pillow. It’s foolish, but hiding my face is the last instinct I have.
He’s going to kill me. The thought pulses through my head repeatedly. Every inch of my body feels like it’s covered in sweat.
The last thought that pops into my head is Avery. And what’s going to happen to her after this intruder kills me.
By then, Tanner will have received an intruder alert and will hopefully spring into action with a firearm. He keeps them out of sight, but we’re in Arizona, so I know he has some firearms around here.
But right after I have that thought about Avery, a knife doesn’t slide across my throat. A hand touches my ass. I have a huge butt, and always have. The type of butt that never looks “appropriate”, no matter what I wear. So his hand can’t cover the entire cheek, but I can feel his hand exploring the soft, small patch of flesh it occupies.
I become utterly paralyzed. Even more than before. His hand moves up my ass and then the intruder groans.
The pillow smells like my bonnet. I’m desperate for fresh air but the groan that comes out of the intruder’s mouth sends a jolt of fear through me that pushes me deeper into that impulse to hide. His hand moves up my ass. I can tell for sure the hand belongs to a man now.
It’s too big. Too strong. He squeezes a handful of my ass cheek, which takes more than two hands to hold each one.
“Fuck,” he groans and the voice sounds strangely familiar. Like a famous actor, or something. I’ll have to remember that detail when I tell Tanner… If I survive to tell Tanner…
The hand moves all the way up my ass to my lower back. I have to breathe now. I tilt my head to the side, moving it away from my pillow but my instincts take control and when I suck in air intending to take a deep breath, what happens next is I let out a blood-curdling, uncontrolled scream.
I swear I scream so loud the walls shake and just as I fill my lungs to let out another concrete-cracking shriek, the hand moves from my ass to cover my mouth and the intruder’s voice changes.
“You scream like that and let the man of the house hear you, I’ll cut your ass up…”
Holding down my lips with one hand, he returns to stroking my ass with his other hand.
“Your ass feels fucking delicious…”
Half a strangled yelp makes an effort to escape my lips, but that only makes the intruder’s hand clamp down tighter and he surprises me by using the hand on my ass to spank me. The hard smack shocks me and I try to bite down on his finger and fail as he blocks me from breathing and follows up his first hit with a second one before allowing me to take air in straight through my nose.
Pain. Immediate pain.