Page 23 of Biker's Enemy

I have about half an hour before Quin comes for her weekly pay, so I want this club-related call with Southpaw to end quickly.

“Is it a wild goose chase or was the Indian girl onto something?” I ask him.

“Tamiya and Rebecca listened to the recording Oske’s girlfriend picked up and analyzed it with their forensic audio software. They picked up three voices discussing some type of fucked up murder plot involving Barbarians, but we don’t know who they were after, or why.”

“Can we identify who the fuck has problems with us? As far as I know, I’ve kept my ass out of trouble,” I respond.

“And I handled my shit with the gambling,” Southpaw says. “Oske has some ideas about why this might be happening.”

“Like what?”

“She’s family, you know that, right?”

He means that he has some type of relationship to that crazy Indian girl that causes him to protect her no matter what shit she does. If she were my problem, I would have sent her ass to Canada or kept her locked in a basement somewhere for a very long time ago. Southpaw is too damn permissive.


“I value her perspective and even if she is a huge pain in my ass… she understands how the world works out here. Every battle is for land rights, water rights, cattle, or something of that nature.”

As much as I find myself suspicious of Oske, my family has been out here for generations and she’s damn right about the reasons folks out here all kill each other.

“Right. But as far as I know, no Barbarian territory is in dispute.”

“Agreed,” Southpaw says. “Oske thinks we have new challengers. The clubhouse blowing up and the situation with the Blue Blood Knights might have spread to other clubs around the country.”

“Like who?”

“I’m still looking for answers,” he says. “If you could stay out of trouble until I figure it out, I’ll let you know.”

Staying out of trouble should be easy. The business deal with Hunter worked out well enough and the money from that flows into my accounts at a slow, steady trickle that will avoid unnecessary attention from the IRS. We’re going to have all the money we need in about ten months, right when we need it.

I don’t bother pointing out that if anyone is prone to getting into unnecessary financial trouble, it’s the man with the gambling addiction.

“I’ll stay out of trouble if you do. No casinos. No card games. No shooting dice.”

“I get the point,” Southpaw says. “I’ll stay away from liberal arts college Quidditch matches too.”

“What the fuck are you talking about?”

“Nothing,” he snaps. “I would never gamble about something so stupid and I don’t know what Quidditch is.”

“Maybe quit drinking while you’re at it.”

“I’ll call you when I have more information,” he says, pointedly ignoring my advice. “Steel is looking for information about other clubs who might be interested in what we have.”

“Gotcha. Stay out of trouble. Easy peasy.”

When I hang up, I can’t help but think of how fucking different life has been, honestly. Juliette is pregnant again. Wyatt and Anna are most likely trying for their second, if I know Wyatt. Gideon’s mom only has 18 months left on her sentence. Ruger’s mom will be out in nine months. Tylee and her husband are moving into a different house in a couple months.

Before I know it, we’ll have another club meeting out in New Mexico…

I hope I have answers about Avery by then. I brought Quin here with the worst intentions for her. But once I had her in my captivity, my desire to inflict my cruel control on her dwindled.


My cravings for Quin Nash have risen again. Eight weeks in my custody and she has become nothing short of my singular obsession. It doesn’t help that she’s the only woman I have seen in the past eight weeks who isn’t a blood relative. My balls are ready to fucking burst every time I have to watch her thick ass walk into a room, completely oblivious to her effect on me.

If she weren’t holding Avery almost every time she enters a room, I surely would have acted on my desires for her by now. I find my urges overwhelming and nearly impossible to deal with. Quin is everything I want in a woman and watching her tenderly handle Avery fucks with me completely.