Page 16 of Biker's Enemy

She is beautiful as she sleeps, even in her hoodie and those leggings. Maybe the hoodie and leggings make her even hotter. Her breasts are so fucking big. I mean… everything about her is big. It’s exactly what I like in a woman.

Her skin color isn’t a problem for me. Our club charter voted to maintain our old rules for the safety and preservation of our culture, but that applies to new members. I don’t let the club tell me who I allow into my bed. I’m not like my father. I don’t like tramps who let any dude with a monkey wrench and a Harley pump cum in their pussy.

When I have a woman, she becomes entirely and completely mine.

The last woman I tatted my name on got it covered up and since then… I’ve been on my own, no interest in pressing a needle to skin until Quin. Not like I’ll tell her that right away. No. For her to submit to this captivity, I have to appeal to this woman’s sensitivity and make it seem like I have a good reason for bringing her that surpasses my depraved desire to conquer her voluptuous body.

Just the thought of inking her skin gets me rock hard. Quin emits a soft groan in her sleep as she comes down off the drugs I had to use to get her here. If she wasn’t such a big woman, I wouldn’t have needed drugs. It’s not like I mind having to use what’s in my toolkit, I’m just saying that Quin played a role in those circumstances.

Humans are stronger than you think, especially with adrenaline rushing through them. Physical violence won’t get Quin to submit to me. I need… something else.

She groans again and I call her name to speed up the process.

“Quin, wake up. Everything will be fine. I just need you to wake up…”

Quin rolls over slightly, lying on her side and hiking her legs up. Her ass faces me with all its voluptuous glory making the hard-on in my jeans fucking impossible to control. She has the sweetest face when she’s sleeping too. Soft. Full. Innocent. I’ve always had a thing for round, chubby faces. I don’t know why.

“Quin. I need you to wake up now.”

If I sound more firm and commanding, it’ll scare her less.

She moves again. This time, her movement is a little more convincing. Good. Her fingers twitch and then her lashes flutter open. Her round cheeks move along with her lips as she yawns a little bit. Her lashes flutter more.

“What’s happening?” she mutters. Her head tilts from side to side as she tries to get her eyes open and get a good look around the room. She might be able to get her eyes open, but I have her bedroom purposefully dark. I sit in a brown leather armchair across from her, an inherited vintage piece from my dad’s office in Chicago. A small chrome lamp casts warm LED lighting over my face.

But not much.

“You’re in Arizona, Quin,” I say to her calmly. “You’re at Tanner Hollingsworth’s house.”

I lean back in the chair, fighting the urge to pour an ounce of whiskey down my throat or light up a cigar, anything to quiet my mind from the rush of excitement I have from obtaining my prize so easily. Hunter and Juliette have their hands full with their family, anyway. Whatever big mystery brought Quin Nash to Santa Fe… I’m sure I can handle it.

“No…” she mutters. The groan and the immediate rejection send a pulse of anger straight through me. I don’t even want her subconscious mind to feel the slightest disappointment.

“Wake up,” I command firmly, hating myself for betraying such immediate irritation. We need to get this over with before Avery wakes up, which she usually does in the middle of the night.

“No… Juliette…”

“You are no longer in Juliette Sinclair’s custody,” I repeat. “Now wake up, Quin. I would rather not have to do it roughly.”

My threatening tone forces her eyes to snap open and the fear cast all over her face nearly causes me to regret my tone.

“Tanner?” she says. The way she says my name gets me so hard. But she doesn’t sound happy, which doesn’t thrill me.

“Yes,” I respond gruffly. “I rescued you from Santa Fe and brought you here.”

“Rescued?” she groans. She tries to raise her head but the drugs must still be in her system because she makes a loud, uncomfortable moan and then rests her head back against the pillow. It’s for the best that she can’t fight back yet. It will make convincing her to stay much easier if she doesn’t have adrenaline coursing through her system.

“Hunter tells me you’re in trouble and Arizona is much safer for you than Santa Fe. If you want… I can offer you a job until the dust settles.”


“It’s a lot,” I say, but I don’t stop talking because I don’t want her to think too deeply. “But I’m in a situation myself. A secret baby situation.”

“Secret baby?”

“Listen, I’m sorry for how I took you but… I don’t want to get Hunter and Juliette involved in my problems. I don’t want anyone in their family getting hurt.”

“Getting hurt?”