"Sorry! I just knew when he kidnapped you that he was completely smitten."
"Ew, he was not smitten, Juliette..."
"Uh, yes he is. I know he is. Do you like him?"
"You don't even know what you're talking about."
"What? He's like the most responsible one in the entire club. And the richest. Don't tell Hunter I said that but... it's true."
"Who cares if he's rich?" I grumble. But I obviously noticed how luxurious Tanner's place in Arizona was. And that security system he has couldn't have been cheap either. He has several fancy cars at his house too and any time I've seen an invoice or important document in his office, the numbers always have a couple commas.
"You could become his old lady," Juliette says, shrugging. "Then you might care."
"What does that even mean."
"It's a biker thing where they tattoo you and all your problems go away... except all the gang problems."
I stare at Juliette like she has three heads, but she just keeps nodding at me like she's sharing common knowledge. I don't know any healthy relationship that starts with a tattoo and gang problems.
"Juliette, are you crazy?"
"Nope. I'm just realistic. Life could be so damn shitty, Quin. If Tanner wants to tattoo your ass and give you a baby... why not?"
"Because. I don't have Avery. It's not going to be the same without her."
"So you're admitting you slept with him?"
I try to smack her ass again but she squeals and finds herself on the other side of the counter before I can get an effective hit in.
"Okay, okay!" she says. "I'll help you get Avery back like I promised. But if you love Tanner..."
"Who said I love him?"
"Okay. Fine. If you eventually possibly fall in love with him... I support it."
"You have no idea what you're talking about," I grumble. Juliette might not be so positive about Tanner's crazy ass if she knew that he climbed in through my bedroom window to take my virginity in secret.
"He can't be that bad," Juliette says. "He would call Hunter like once a week to brag about how good you were with Avery."
"Yeah. I told Hunter that he was totally in love..."
"He's not."
"We'll see," Juliette says. "Now. Where is Avery and how do we get her."
"And what do you do with your kids? And your pregnancy?"
"Right," Juliette says. "Can't leave the kids behind... I'll handle that. Do you know who has Avery? The pregnancy isn’t a problem."
Juliette is crazy. Pregnancy might be a problem – especially if something crazy happens and her husband decides we both need to die over it. I know he’s crazy protective over her and I can’t blame him. Juliette loves trouble. It’s why I love her.
"Deborah Shaw. Tanner basically forced her to leave with Avery because his mom is going crazy and wants to do... something."
"Isn't his mom an old white lady? When was the last time an old white lady killed a baby?"
"That feels like something we shouldn't ask the internet in case the FBI is watching,” I mutter.