Ishouldn't be back here until tomorrow morning. That's what I told Aunt Deb. Everyone else is gone except her. Well, Avery is still in there and of course, Quin. That's who I'm making time for tonight. The shit I saw out there at the clubhouse is the type of shit that gives you a stronger appreciation for family.
For what matters.
The thought of Quin having any type of involvement in the mess I saw out there scares the crap out of me. Since I left Tucumcari, I've had it in my head that we ought to get ready to move. There are places I could rent in Santa Monica, or we could go somewhere far away from all club related activities -- avoid Route 66, where anyone might track her down and connect her to the club.
Every thought that crosses my mind on the long ride back home involves protecting Quin and Avery. Mostly Quin. I know I ought to be better at giving a crap about Avery, and it's not like I don't give a crap about her but... She's my father's mistake. She's not my daughter. Hell, that goddamn kid might be half the reason we have a bunch of Nazis up our asses.
Avery might be the reason we lost six club members.
Quin won't like the way I see things but... she doesn't like very much about me unless I have my mask on and I keep my interactions with her strictly to pleasuring her. I wonder if she really doesn’t know it’s me… or if she’s pretending. I can’t tell what’s real anymore.
As much as I yearn for her company in the daytime, she's just not that type of woman… She only sleeps with me because I constructed an elaborate situation to make her feel like she has no choice.
Without my mask, without hiding the darkest parts of myself from her, she would never fall in love with a heartless biker. I might make her cum, but I can’t make Quin fall enough. I’m not a good enough father, by her determination, just because I don’t share her ability to fall in love with strange infants who bring trouble and expense...
Avery might be cute, but she can barely walk and she has already become a menace. I'll have to do everything in my power to protect her from the whore my father made her mother. Quin has a bigger heart than I ever will.
I run my hand along the seam of the window for the latch. I use a magnetic device to open it. Air-conditioning flows out of her bedroom into the muggy Arizona night. I don't have to climb much to get into her bedroom, but I have to raise one leg above my knees.
Once I get one leg into Quin's room, I can hear her breathing. By the time I'm standing in the middle of her bedroom floor, I can see her lying in bed. She looks like an adorable damn marshmallow sleeping peacefully.
It's a shame I have to violate that peaceful sleep and fuck that sexy marshmallow until I cream inside her.
I take one more step and Quin wakes up. I don't know which one of us regrets her waking up more since what alerts me to her awakened state is a sharp, surprised gasp.
Shit. I thought I would get a lot further before she woke up. Rushing forward, I throw what parts of Quin she managed to throw over the edge of her bed back onto the mattress and fling the covers off her.
My cock nearly jumps out of my jeans when I see what she's wearing beneath the covers. I don't think she means to tempt me with this, but she's wearing my old t-shirt and a pair of some boring cotton underwear that could never quite be boring on Quin because of how deeply her ass cheeks swallow every pair of underwear she wears.
I watch her closely. And her pantylines. And anything about her I can observe. She squirms and grunts in protest as I pin her body to the bed and immediately begin feeling up every inch of the woman I yearned for every goddamn night on the road. I couldn't wait one more night. I couldn't wait to exchange pleasantries with Aunt Deb and I definitely don't want Avery getting in the way of enjoying a nice slow fuck session with Quin.
"The people here are armed and dangerous," she grunts, trying desperately to fight me off. "You shouldn't be here..."
I don't know how the hell she stays so damn convincing.
"I can handle everyone in this house," I whisper. "Plus, maybe some pussy is worth dying over."
She grunts and throws an elbow at my chest. Aggressive. She's way more aggressive than she was in our first interaction. I take the hit to my stomach but pin her down so she can't pull any shit like that again. Quin grunts and keeps fighting me as I pin her down and finally stop groping every last inch of her body so I can get to the point. Kissing her.
Because I have her pinned face down, she can't see my face. She wouldn't be able to with the mask I have on, but this way, I leave nothing up to chance. When I kiss her, she makes a frustrated if not disgusted grunt. Subduing her is taking much longer than I thought and she isn't immediately yielding to my kisses the way I want.
With my dick begging for release, I don't have much patience for Quin's fussing, so I handle her the best way I know how. She yelps loudly as my palm makes contact with her ass. I take my chances that she won't wake anyone else and pretend that I don't give a fuck when I hit her again. This time she makes her best effort to stifle her yelping in her pillow.
"Fight me again when I come for your pussy and I'll tie you to the bed and pierce your clit until you remember exactly who you belong to."
My words are extreme considering I don't even have her clothes off, but I find myself not giving a fuck... Scaring the crap out of her works. Quin freezes and when I kiss her, instead of making a disgusted yelp, she whimpers softly. This is much better.
"I like you better when you're soft, Quin. This is the woman I miss."
She doesn't answer, but that doesn't surprise me. I touch her breasts. Her hips. I run my hand over the flesh on her ass that I just spanked senselessly. I doubt she'll be able to sit tomorrow. She winces just from my light touch. Maybe she's worried I'll hit her again, but I won't have to do that if she listens to me.
I kiss her neck, suddenly bothered by her silence.
"Did you miss me?"
"No," she says emphatically.