Page 50 of Biker's Enemy

"That was intense."


"Skinny men," she says with a grin. "All the fat goes to their dick."

"Who the hell are you calling skinny?" I grunt, lunging towards her to swat her ass playfully. Tamiya skillfully dodges me but then returns to my arms for a hug. I kiss her and push her up against the wall again. It would be so goddamn easy to get lost in her again.

With the immediate tension out of the way, the business lingering between us makes it harder for us to get lost in another round of lovemaking. Tamiya is the first to pull away with the typical thoughtful sighing sound she makes when she has her mind all twisted up in an investigation.

"Did you learn anything out there?" she asks, getting straight to the point like her cop friend Rebecca taught her.

"That they're really dead."

My twin brothers -- Jairus and Jotham -- were killed out in the desert by the Midnight SS motorcycle gang for some unknown reason. After everything my mother went through, she shouldn't have to go through this. Not when she's almost out of prison. Not after just losing dad.

I didn't want to believe they were really dead, but I had to accept the truth.

I saw their bodies. Southpaw spared me seeing their heads but... he confirmed their identities himself. The mission to retrieve the bodies from the desert wasn't entirely successful.

Southpaw sent Ruger with a group of new recruits out to get the bodies and they couldn’t get all the parts. Midnight SS must have been keeping watch or had a lookout. Gunfire popped out across the desert as they were loading the bodies up and with bullets flying, their priority shifted to getting the fuck out of there.

There were two bodies left behind – Ruger only got the heads of Christian and Coleton. So they brought those back to the clubhouse for the funeral in the new cemetery plot Hawk dug out himself.

Ruger still has a bullet in his right arm from loading up the heads in his escape attempt, and the doctor we got thinks he waited too long to have it treated. He hasn’t listened to any advice Anna has given him through Wyatt over the phone, even if the boss’s old lady is a smart cookie and knows her shit about nursing.

Ruger is just an idiot, plain and simple.

We still have no idea what the fuck is going on and the situation with the secret Hollingsworth love-child gives me a bad feeling.

It doesn't make any sense for a man to leave children all over the place. Those old bitter grudges over love and land can rip families apart. Don Hollingsworth should have known better and kept his dick in his pants. Now, Tanner has this baby who might be better off left to the Nazis and we don't have a goddamn clue how any of this connects to the deaths out in the desert, or Oske's fucked up plan to stop the Midnight SS from implementing a successful full-force attack against the club.

Silence lingers between me and Tamiya. She nods and grabs my cheeks, forcing me to look her in the eye.

"I'm sorry, baby," she says.

"That's life, isn't it?"

She runs her thumb over my lower lip.

"Rebecca and I have suspects."


"I don't want this to turn violent if it doesn't have to."

My eyes flicker to hers.

"It's going to get violent, Tamiya," I say to her sternly. "That's what we decided at the clubhouse. All out fucking war. Unanimous vote."

She doesn't look happy. But it doesn't matter. This is about blood and loyalty. I won't rest at night knowing those Nazi fucks are out there. What the fuck could people like that do to Tamiya if they got their hands on her?

I won't let that happen.

"What do you mean war?" Tamiya asks. I can hear the fear in her voice and I wish I could make it go away. But I can't.

Not until our work is done...
