“Good,” she says. “And how is that girl you’ve been hiding from me?”
“What girl?”
“I raised three sons, Tanner. I know you’ve been sneaking some girl past me and you haven’t needed me to watch Avery as much for the past couple months. Is it serious?”
“It’s just the nanny, Aunt Deb. I’ll call Wyatt and then get back to you.”
She spills out more affection than I can handle, so I have to hurry and get off the phone before the sentiment causes me to sink into the ground. I don’t look forward to telling Wyatt about this. He can keep a secret, but it’s the nature of the secret that I don’t enjoy.
And who the hell is supposed to look after Avery in the long term now that we know my dad had a cheap night with an underage girl and now… this baby is all alone if I don’t take full custody of her.
I don’t know why the thought makes me feel so damn cold. I never planned on keeping this child. I planned on discovering her true father and sending Avery off to him – the irresponsible motherfucker who knocked up some biker trash. I can’t abandon Avery. The thought sends me immediately into deep, bitter brooding. At everyone. At everything. At myself.
A knock at my office door startles me, but it can only be one person, so I gruffly invite her in, despite my increasingly sour mood.
She lost some of that fire she had earlier, which I certainly appreciate because I was finding that fire quite damn frustrating. I like seeing her on her toes like this. Not only is it sexy as hell watching her approach me with her head bowed in some mixture of defeat and submission, it makes me feel like she actually needs me. I like that feeling.
Considering her continuing this pretense that our night together meant nothing, I don’t mind this dominated behavior.
"I have to ask you something," she says, her voice heavy and dark. I meet her gaze, waiting for her to confess that she remembers everything and that our night together was the most special she’s ever experienced. My gaze doesn't leave hers as I wait for her to fulfill my expectations.
"Anything you want, Quin."
It's hard to stop myself from running my tongue over my lips, imagining how delicious her cunt might be right now.
"I need to get Plan B."
My hand clenches into a fist almost unconsciously. I have to stop myself from slamming my hand into the desk like a caveman. If we're going to play this game. Fine. Let's play.
"Why would you need Plan B?"
I'm sure I can barely contain the anger in my voice. I've never been good at hiding my feelings. It's the red hair and damn near translucent skin constantly betraying everything in my head and heart.
"I-I met someone and I've been seeing him secretly on Avery's walks. That's why I was so uncomfortable earlier but... I'm sorry, okay? I just really need this."
Her wide brown eyes are so earnest when she looks at me that it's hard for me to believe that this little brat is lying through her teeth.
"Met someone?"
"Yes," she says confidently. "It was quick and passionate but... I’m committed to taking care of Avery. I don't want to have another baby."
I must do a terrible job of hiding my anger because she begins blustering through an apology.
"I know I put Avery in danger but I promise it won't happen again."
She promises, does she?
Quin shuts up when I give her a furious glare.
"That's enough. The answer is no."
There's her fire again. Not like it makes any difference. The audacity of this woman to demand that I give her birth control after our night together is beyond insane. What game is she playing with that lie? Passionate love affair?
If I hadn't taken her virginity myself, this lie would have utterly devastated me and sent me on a wild goose chase to murder this alleged lover.
"I said no," I repeat calmly, and then to fuck with her. "And when I find out whoever put his hands on you, I'll kill him myself."