The thought enters my head and guilt follows. It’s all well and good to notice Tanner’s muscular ass, but I had sex last night. Unprotected sex. I need to get Tanner’s muscular ass out of the way so I can get Plan B and stop this from becoming a much bigger problem.
If he notices my agitation when we enter the kitchen, he doesn’t show it. He actually seems like he’s in a better mood than usual, so I get it in my head to take advantage of his good mood and get him out of the way so I can buy Plan B. My strategy is simple. He lets me take Avery on a short walk around 11:30 a.m. before lunch. Her stroller has a tracker on it and I have to keep my phone location on so he can watch vigilantly.
There’s a CVS on our short route so I can just pop inside, get Plan B on one receipt and a popsicle on the other. Once Avery comes home with blue lips, he won’t ask any further questions and I’ll be safe. No pregnancy.
Of course, possible pregnancy is only my most immediate problem. The stranger might come back. He got into the house so easily the first time… what the hell would stop him from entering the house again?
I pull ingredients out of the fridge as Tanner sits with Avery and sings her some weird ass lullaby I’ve never heard the words to before. I try not to smile at how goofy he sounds singing to her. This isn’t the time for smiling – this is the time for plotting how I’m going to stop myself from getting knocked up by a stranger…
Investigating club business in the desert…
Ikeep my gun trained on the woman curled up beneath a couple blankets and making some desperate effort to hide herself behind three kegs of beer. She makes a terrified yelping noise and then sits up, drawing her knees to her chest. I can tell that she’s a grown woman, but this little thing is damn petite.
“What are you?” I ask her. “Some type of Nazi whore?”
She makes another yelping sound and sticks her hands up in the air. Immediate surrender. Judging by the way her ass is shaking and looking at my gun, she’s never been in a situation like this before. Even with the moonlight, it’s too dim for me to get a good look at her.
Her skin is dark, but her eyes look all Chinese. I don’t think she’s an Indian. They have a particular way about them that seems completely absent here. This woman is something else entirely, but I don’t know what. Her hair has the same texture as Juliette’s… thick and bushy. But she can’t be black with eyes like that.
She has to be some type of Asian or Indian.
Her whimpering and surrender don’t mean she’s entirely innocent. For all I know, it could all be an act. After all, I found her here hiding in some Nazi compound in the middle of the desert. It would be stupid as hell to let my guard down.
“Stop crying and stand up.”
She cries harder. Christ. I don’t want this woman getting under my skin, but there’s something about watching one of them cry that has always melted me. This place is too fucking creepy for me to chill.
“I said stand up.”
When she stands up, I get a good look at her, not like I get much information from looking at her. Keeping my gun trained on her, I use the flashlight I brought to scan her from head to toe. It’s not just so I can get a better idea of her ethnic origins — although I want to know if she has any relation to Oske, or someone else we have problems with.
A woman this color can’t be welcome out here. But she’s not a cop. She doesn’t have the smell on her.
“What are you doing out here?”
She doesn’t answer. It’s so fucking quiet that I hear a coyote howl. Scares the fucking crap out of me.
“I asked you a question. Don’t make me put you in the ground.”
“I don’t know where I am,” she says with a shaky voice. Shaky, but sexy. I keep the gun trained on her even if she has a voice that could make my dick hard under any other circumstances. “I left my car ten miles west. I tried to find somewhere before sundown but there were these —
Christ. She breaks down crying again and I struggle to keep my shit together. The more time we stand around having emotions, the more danger we’re both in. Unless this bitch is the danger. All 5-fucking-feet of her.
“Stop crying,” I growl. “What did you see? Tell me.”
“T-they had a man…” she says, sobbing uncontrollably and then nearly falling over. I almost think it’s a ploy, but I see her headed straight for the ground with no chance of bracing herself so I catch her — against my better judgment. Shit. She’s really unconscious. Scared out of her fucking mind.
Neither of us have the privilege of falling unconscious around here.
“Hey,” I snap at her. “Wake up. Wake up and tell me everything you saw.”
I have to shake her pretty hard to get her awake and I start to get scared that I rattle something loose in the pretty woman’s head from shaking her around so hard. But her eyelashes flutter open around those strange Asian-looking eyes.
She braces herself against my chest. The brief contact sends a surge of something dead wrong straight through me. My body tightens and I offer absolutely no resistance when she shoves me away and stumbles back to a position of standing on her own feet.