The stranger bites my neck, yanking me away from panicked thoughts about Tanner. I shouldn’t be thinking of him right now… It’s wrong for so many reasons. The bite on my neck forces goosebumps all over my skin. I still can’t scream. I just yield to the monster who climbed in through my window and emptied his cum inside me.
“You’re already fucking sexy,” he murmurs. “I can’t wait to watch you get bigger.”
“Who are you?” I whisper weakly.
He chuckles and kisses my cheek.
“Go to sleep. Don’t follow me. Don’t get off that bed or I’ll fuck you senseless again. Wait for me to leave and lock the window once I’m gone. Do you understand?”
He’s so close to me that his scent invades my nostrils. The powerful dominance he just exerted over my body bleeds into my consciousness, making me bonded enough to this beast to obey him. The man slowly removes his dick from between my legs.
I feel empty without him but so fucking blissful with all the cum he emptied inside me. I don’t know why it makes me feel so good, but it’s a light, gentle high that strips me of any will to fight or disobey him. Maybe it’s exhaustion. Fear. The throbbing in my ass and thighs.
But I don’t move. He climbs out of bed, slides his clothes on and disappears.
I get up, just like he asked, and lock the window behind him. I don’t even see where he disappears when he climbs out of the window. There aren’t even any trees around, so it’s a real mystery. I’m too scared to run outside and go after this stranger. He could be anyone… I don’t know why the hell he seemed so familiar.
I climb back into bed and in the morning when I wake up, nothing that happened the night before feels real. When I get out of bed into my slippers, cum dribbles out of my pussy all over my inner thighs and I have confirmation that the insane situation the night before actually happened.
I’m no longer a virgin — and I don’t know who fucked me without a condom, possibly getting me pregnant. This is an emergency — and it’s one I don’t have time for because I have a full time job of looking after a biker’s infant daughter. Avery’s baby monitor sends a couple alerts to my phone and my day as a nanny begins…
Although I hate admitting it, Tanner was right about the job coming naturally to me. Avery is half awake by the time I get to her room and it doesn’t take much for me to gently wake her. She smiles whenever she sees me and it makes me so angry that Tanner doesn’t appreciate those little moments with her.
Avery clings to me and gurgles when I take her to the changing station for a desperately needed morning diaper change. This is the hardest part of the morning and often an experience of disgusting discoveries about babies and digestive systems. I’m lucky that this morning’s diaper change isn’t the worst I’ve seen.
While I change Avery’s diaper, it’s like nothing that happened the night before actually happened. I can stuff everything into this compartment in the back of my mind until my boss manifests out of nowhere, knocking on Avery’s bedroom door with his ham fists. I freeze and Avery finds my sudden reaction entertaining.
“He he he!” she cackles dramatically while I debate the merits of pretending I don’t hear the door and letting Tanner cook outside for a little.
“Quin? Are you in there?”
He has cameras everywhere, so he knows I’m here. I guess my plan to ignore him won’t work then. I sigh and while holding Avery, I open the door. The look on Tanner’s face is… different. Very different. I only notice it for that first minute of eye contact. Just as soon as I notice the difference, it fades away and he offers a gentle smile.
“I just thought I would check in.”
I’m not wrong to be suspicious. I can’t remember the last time Tanner has “checked in” on the baby he wants nothing to do with.
“Everything’s fine,” I say, no longer concerned with reading my boss’s emotions and far more worried about hiding mine. Last night, a man climbed into my bedroom window and if Tanner finds out about that, I doubt he’ll react well. At all.
Right now, I’m the only one available for him to hurt so the best course of action seems to be keeping my mouth shut.
“Okay,” he says, those pale ass cheeks of his turning a suspicious shade of dusky pink. I hold Avery closer to me, but Tanner shocks me by reaching his hands out for her.
“Why don’t you let me hold her? I can manage her while you make breakfast. I’m sure you’re hungry.”
I don’t immediately let go of Avery. Nothing like this has ever happened before since I moved in with Tanner and I won’t let his suspicious behavior go unchecked. He looks out at me beneath unfairly luscious blond and ginger eyelashes with an expression that I could easily mistake for warmth if I didn’t know any better about his persistent insensitivity.
“I normally eat after Avery. I don’t need you to step in,” I say as politely as possible. Although my suspicions and my own guilty conscience are making this room genuinely difficult to remain in. It feels like Tanner is getting bigger and taking up more of the room. I try to sidestep around him, but he gets in my way and holds his hands out for Avery.
“I’m telling you as your boss. I’ll take Avery.”
Reluctantly, I hand her over. She gazes at Tanner with immediate suspicion and then smacks him in the face with her fist. I bite on my lower lip hard to stop myself from laughing. He turns bright red again and then takes her little fist, pressing it to his lips.
“I get it,” he mutters. “I’ve been a dick. Come on. Quin says she’s going to make you the finest baby formula money can buy… Or whatever kids eat at this age.”
Avery makes more confused sounds, but she doesn’t start crying, so I let my boss hold her and follow him out to the kitchen. Each step towards the kitchen only increases my anxiety. I have to watch Tanner’s muscular ass (literally) walking in front of me as he does something that’s so unfairly sexy.
I’ve never seen him hold Avery before like this. He looks so protective. So damn good.