Page 95 of Alpha Bait

"Neither do I. But a lot of people want him dead."

"Not just any people. Carmichaels."

And the Carmichaels weren't above killing. Hell, neither were the Holloways.

"If anything happens, we'll be the first to find out."

I sighed, "And we'll be a long way off."

"Not too long. Only ten more hours."

"Are you going to drive the whole time?"

"Yes," my cousin replied, gripping the steering wheel a little tighter.

"I can drive you know."

"If you get behind that wheel, there's no guarantee you won't take us back into Chicago."

He was right. The closer we got to New York, the more desperate I grew to turn around. I'd already said goodbye to everyone. I'd shed my past, and my new identity suited me well enough. I'd come just close to adjusting. Even the slim hope of seeing Richard again wasn't enough to stir me. If I could be sure our family feud would be over, then maybe I would feel something besides unfettered terror.

Donnie drove without showing signs of exhaustion. When we were halfway across Pennsylvania, his phone rang and he connected it through the Bluetooth so it played out loud in the car. I kept quiet, unwilling to let anyone know back East that I was still alive. That news would come to them soon enough.


"Donnie? I need you at Mt. Sinai."

"I'm not in the state Aunty Gail."

My mother's voice. Hearing her voice pooled tears in my eyes.

"Where are you then?"

"Pennsylvania. About four hours out."

"Four hours? Donnie, it's late for you to be on the road."

"I promise, I'll be there as soon as I can."

"I won't be leaving the hospital."

"Are you sick?"

"No. Something has happened. I don't want to discuss private matters over the phone. I'll be waiting for you. Don't be too late."

My mother hung up. I exhaled a sigh of relief.

"What does she mean?" I asked.

"No clue. But knowing your mother, it's something terrible for her to call."

"She was always so cryptic," I smiled.

Those four hours inched by slowly. Donnie and I grew more comfortable with each other as we got closer to New York. My heart throbbed in my chest and the lump in my throat expanded like a wet sponge. Once we hit Manhattan traffic, I could barely speak to Donnie anymore.


"Easy for you to say."