Page 79 of Alpha Bait

I flicked them on.

"Here goes, Athena," I mumbled.

She rested her head on her front paws but didn't stop looking up at me.

Bzzzzzzzt. Bzzzzzzt.

The clippers tickled my palms with their vibrations. My hands trembled as I tilted my neck forward and began to shear close to my scalp. I pulled the clippers through my hair, yanking too hard at first and pulling on my hair harshly. I whimpered and then removed the clippers, beginning from the nape of my neck again.

This time the clippers traveled through my hair smoothly. The weight on my head decreased as long thick coils of my hair fell to the ground at my feet. I didn't want to cry, but I couldn't help shedding a few tears.

Hair wasn't all I was letting go of, but everything my hair meant to me and who it connected me too.

I cut all of my hair to an uneven centimeter or so in length. To even it out, I had to cut down shorter. Every strand had to go. I continued my work, buzzing my hair until I looked like I was about to go to boot camp.

I stared at the unfamiliar person looking back at me. I had to do more. Simply shaving my head wouldn't count. I imagined what I'd look like with colored contacts. Different clothes. I'd strip myself of every identity that could tie me to my old life. That's the only way I could run away from Jamal for good. I had no choice. If I didn't peel away those layers, sooner or later, word would spread that I'd been sighted and if word reached Jamal, I wouldn't have long.

He had more resources than I could ever hope to.

And even if he believed me dead now, he was paranoid enough to investigate the slightest rumor. Jamal was meticulous that way.

I set the clippers down with a loud sigh of relief. This was it. This is the beginning of my new life as Patsy. "Goodbye" lay in a black heap at my feet. Athena eyed me curiously.

"Do you like it?" I asked, running my hands over my scalp.

Remaining hairs prickled my palms, but I'd never felt more liberated in my life.

I wondered if Rich would recognize me like this. No matter, he'd never have the chance to do so. This was my official goodbye.