"What do you want Jamal?"
He had gotten past the surprise and went straight to anger. The poor impotent man would have no opportunity to act out said anger. Tragic. All he could do was sneer at me as if that gave him the upper hand in some way.
"I know you're sleeping with my sister," I accused.
He didn't deny it.
"Oh yeah? Who told you that?"
I snarled, "I should put a bullet in you just for admitting it."
"Go ahead," he replied nonchalantly, "they'll have your ass in court if you do."
Okay, then I couldn't help chuckling.
"You think I'm going to jail?"
I laughed again.
Ames' cheeks started getting red. He was far too dignified to plead for his life, but I could tell he was holding onto the very last of his strength. He was slipping, just like he was about to slip out of this world and into the next one.
"Tell me where she is and maybe I won't kill you."
"My dick is out and you have a gun pointed at my head. At least one of us has to leave here dead," he replied.
"Being funny won't help you. Answer the question. Where is Indie?"
"What makes you think I know where your damn sister is?"
"For my sister to disappear after I had eyes on her 24/7 means she must have had help. And she had to have had considerable help. Help that could only come from a Carmichael."
"And you think that Carmichael is me?"
"Quit stalling. Where is she?" I growled.
"Look, man, I don't know where she is. And if I did, I wouldn't tell you."
"Perhaps your brother knows?" I smiled.
Ames knew that if I could break into his apartment so easily, and if I had the guts to do it on my own instead of sending a hired man, I would have no qualms about traveling halfway across the world to eliminate the rest of the Carmichael bloodline.
My words seemed to make him reconsider his choices.
"Listen, I don't know where Indie is and neither does my brother. If she's run away from you, maybe someone in your family helped her. What about that cousin of yours?"
"Watch your mouth. Insinuating that anyone in my family is as traitorous as you lot will get you killed faster."
"At the end of the day, I'll still be dead."
"Maybe so."
He kept his arms raised and he never broke my gaze once. If he didn't look so pathetic without his clothes on, I might have been impressed by his bravery.
"Once I'm done with you, I'll search this apartment and then I'll find out exactly where she is."
"What's it to you anyway?" he hissed.
He seemed too calm about me searching his apartment which sent a flash of disappointment through me. Either he was an arrogant sonuvabitch or I'd find nothing.