Page 70 of Alpha Bait

The man who sat before me, with the hunched posture of a demure old professor, rose to his feet. His face took on a look of disdain and absolute revulsion. In the light, he looked just like a ghoul, something that had risen up from hell's depth with the sole intention of tormenting me.

His voice even seemed to change, losing its high-pitched lilt and deepening into a horrifying haunting bass.

"You don't have a choice. You are lucky that I have no intention of harming you tonight. Consider it a wedding present. Once we are married, you will be mine. And when you're mine, I will want nothing but obedience. The less of a fuss you make now, the easier this will be on you. I'm saying this for your own good," he sneered.

I glowered back at him. The lengths to which Will had gone just to get me under his finger and to use me as a tool to feel powerful again did not scare me. He disgusted me. While I blamed my brother in part, the person who I held pure disdain for stood right before me.

"If you're going to hurt me you might as well do it now.”.

He chuckled, "don't worry. I'll get the chance."

He approached the door to the room I was in. I took a moment to observe the seersucker wallpaper and the large closet. The room had been decorated for a woman. He'd gone to such lengths to prepare that he really did believe he would marry me.

I continued to stare. I feared what would happen if I took my eyes off him even for an instant.

When he reached the doorway, he turned around and glowered at me.

"I will let you alone tonight and bring you into the city tomorrow morning. The next time you come here, you won't be so comfortable unless you're obedient."

"There won't be a next time," I snapped, "you don't have to worry."

He chuckled and then left, shutting the door behind him and turning a key in the lock. I rushed to the door as he left and jiggled the handle to find that the bedroom was indeed locked. I was his prisoner.