"Is that what you're afraid of? You feel like you always have to be the good girl?"
She laughed.
"I am the good girl."
"How long do you think that will last?"
"What? You won't take no for an answer?"
It was my turn to laugh.
"Why does your tone seem like you’re begging me? Like that's what you really want from me."
She fell silent again, biting down on her lower lip.
"I'll make sure it doesn't hurt," I assured her.
She glanced at me skeptically.
"It's just not something I do," she replied, a hint of indignance in her voice.
I couldn't help but smirk. She had been more than willing to get close to making love with me before she even knew my name. All this taboo meant she had reached her limit quickly, I supposed. I wanted to back down from my request, but my tenacity meant that I couldn't let it go just yet. I could tell by the slightest turn of her lip, the slightest curl of her smile, that she was tempted. Her temptation meant I had a chance at victory.
Like a good negotiator, I couldn't back down yet.
"It might please you," I said.
"Please me? How could it?"
"I'll go slow. All make it good for you."
"You expect me to trust you?"
Without hesitation, I responded, "yes."
Of course, I expected it. I would expect nothing less. We had been through so much together and never once I give her any reason to fear that I would falter.
"Allow me to change your mind, Indie."
She inhaled slowly but sharply and then released.
"Okay. I'll do it."
She sounded resigned or more likely relieved. It was one or the other.
"You have to believe you'll enjoy it."
"I doubt it."
"Don't be a spoilsport. I promised I would make it good for you."
I kissed her again and then I pushed her onto her stomach. She let out a little cry of surprise as I forcefully pressed her into the bed and spread her legs apart.
"I'll take it slow."
I slid a rubber onto my hardness. I could tell that she was terrified I would thrust every inch into her buttocks at once. I was a man good for my word. I began with a single finger. I rubbed it around her tight, forbidden hole until she relaxed enough to allow me to slip the finger in.
Just a finger was enough to force a slight moaning out of her. I continued to work her tightness with slow movements of my finger. She began to moan.