If I knew precisely what that wily woman wanted from me, I would have given it to her.
Whether she knew it or not, Indie Holloway had a vice grip on my heart.
Watching her lying next to me, and watching her gaze up at me with these large brown eyes robbed me swiftly of my common sense. Speaking with my brother, I have been determined to leave New York and never to return. At the time, I hadn't thought about Indie. I had been strictly moving within the role of my position at the company. I had been thinking more like Richard Carmichael, II than Richard Carmichael, III.
But of course, I couldn't leave without considering her. I wanted to ask her to come with me, but I suspected she would say no. Like me, Indie was bound to her family by a strong sense of duty that never seemed to waver.
I was now experiencing just a ripple of doubt. Something stirred within me that made me question whether fleeing to Trapani, an isolated beach town in Sicily, was the best decision.
If I hadn't gone over, if I had never looked into her eyes, I might have been content with my decision.
"I can't stay," I told her.
Despite my desires to succumb to her whims and to my own, my responsibility was to leave New York. Creating more trouble for Ames and Carmichael Inc would do us no favors. Anything that prolonged this dastardly infighting would only serve to ramp up hatred once more.
I could sense that Indie bit back tears. She was too strong and too much of her father's daughter to ever let me see her cry.
"I understand," her voice warbled as if on the brink of breaking. It never did.
"Kiss me," I whispered.
I really meant : forgive me.
Once more; hesitation. She leaned forward and planted a kiss on my lips. Her kiss brought to mind how little I wanted to leave our room at the Plaza. If I could have stayed there forever, I would have.
I had no issues making the difficult decisions that a tough man must make throughout his life. Yet I relished moments where I could unwind. I reveled in my existence and in discovering a part of myself I didn't even believe in before Indie Holloway came into my life.
She ran her hands through my hair, releasing the musky scent of my cologne and the scent of tobacco from a cigar Ames had smoked in my office earlier.
"You smell good," she mumbled.
"As do you."
I kissed her again. She closed her eyes and allowed me to rake my fingers through her tight bouncy curls. Her long, natural black hair elongated as I stretched my fingers through the coils. The shrinking of her curls concealed her hair's true length, but my fingers caressing them exposed that she possessed the most magnificent length of soft hair.
I had to have her again. There was no way I could avoid my own desires which had once more mounted from the minor touch of her warm hand to my flesh.
I pushed her onto her back and wrested her legs open with great force. Controlled by my desires, I thrust myself into her with one great push that resulted in an earth shattering scream.
Between her legs was soft, still slick from when we had made love prior and growing slicker as I pressed inside her.
Her arms instinctively wrapped around my torso, nails digging into my back. I grunted as I thrust into her one more time, my entire length now buried deep between her legs. She moaned and I thrust into her harder again, enjoying her mewling screams of pleasure.
My hardness stiffened as I thrust deep between her legs. Having her on her back wasn't enough. I needed to get wild with her and to make this night a memorable one. Depraved as it might have seemed to her, if I was going to leave New York, I had one last request, and one last fantasy I craved to play out.
I pulled out of her, my cock making a loud squelching sound as I removed it from her tenderness.
She gasped.
"What's wrong?"
"I need more," I muttered.
"Keep going then."