Page 35 of Alpha Bait

"We have to think about the future of the company."

"I am thinking about the future which is exactly why I want to get back to work."

"The executive board has been working to make a $300 million acquisition from the Harkness family. With their infrastructure and their reach in the rural sector, it's an acquisition we can't afford to screw up."

I grinned, "That's your realm, isn't it Jamal? So don't screw it up. I know you can do it."

"Will Harkness might be more ameliorative to our proposition if he had a vested interest in the success of Holloway Inc."

"Are you suggesting I date Will Harkness so we can acquire his company?"

Jamal smiled, "No. I'm suggesting you marry him."


"I've spoken about it to Will's people and he's willing to cut you a deal that would make you think twice about your reaction."

"Cut me a deal? So he's trying to buy me?"

"Not buy you. Make an arrangement."

"Funny how women are always supposed to be property in these arrangements."

"It's not like that, Indie."

My temper bubbled over the edge.

"Then what is it like, Jamal?"

"It's an arrangement, like I said. One you could stand to benefit from."

He pulled a folder out of his jacket pocket and slid it across the desk.

"I'm not reading that."

He opened the folder.

"It's a prenup. Take a look."

"A prenup!? Jamal, have you lost your goddamn mind? Have you told mama what the hell you're up to?"

Jamal clenched his jaw.

"Read it, Indie."

I scanned the first few pages of the prenup. After the third page, I felt sick. It wasn't that the offer was bad. Will Harkness offered $5 million cash as well as $2 million in stock options for the marriage. For every child I bore of the Harkness name, he'd add an additional $1.5 million to my investment portfolio.

I would never have to work again -- ever. I'd leave behind Holloway, Inc. And turn into an upper east side housewife.

I slammed the folder shut and slid it across the table back to my brother.

"I am not for sale, Jamal," I hissed.

His eyes narrowed. Our disagreement had the trimmings of bubbling up to one of our childhood disagreements.

"Think strategically for once, Indie."

"Right. Brilliant strategy to sell me to an old man."