Page 29 of Alpha Bait

Feels Wrong


"Screw you, Richard," she hissed.

"Tell me this feels wrong."

I stepped in, clutching my palm to her cheek and kissed her. She pressed her palms against my chest and shoved me away.

"What are you doing?"

"Kissing you."

I grabbed her waist again and kissed her again. She didn't fight this time. She clutched the lapels of my jacket and kissed me back. This time, she pulled away, her expression aghast.

"No... No, no, no."

"We shouldn't be seen kissing in the street."

"We shouldn't," she replied.

This time, she bit down on her lower lip and offered, "I'm staying at the Ritz."

"Of course you are," I chuckled.

"Shut up."

"We'll take separate cabs."

"The room is under Jamal's name. I'll tell them to expect you."

She turned around and walked away. I watched her step into her car, an expression of admiration plastered over my face. I smirked as I watched her get into the car. I knew she'd felt it. I knew what happened on the beach meant something.

Our identities were an unfortunate coincidence but to me, not a roadblock. I'd heard Indie Holloway was smart and loyal to her family. Our gaze locking for the first time across the yacht and our encounter on the beach cemented our physical attraction, that unattainable spark you only hope for when you go on a blind date or meet someone at a club.

That spark illuminated our hearts beneath the full moon on Two Mile Hollow. Before we had been neither Rich nor Indie, we had been two souls urgently in need of connection. Her being a Holloway and my being a Carmichael could do nothing to mask the primal hunger for each other that surfaced the instant our eyes met.

I waited around the corner from the Ritz, flicking down my shades as I entered and asked for the room.

"Ah yes, you're expected," the doorman said, ushering me to the elevator with a card key for room 406.

I didn't knock before entering. She stood in the middle of the room, waiting for me, her hands clasped anxiously in front of her.

"Rich this is a bad idea. I shouldn't have asked you to come."

"But you asked me."

"I'm confused. I mean... you're Rich Carmichael. I shouldn't have kissed you... I shouldn't be here with you..."

"But you are."

"That's not helping! If this happens -- if -- where can this go? Our families are enemies. I shouldn't even be talking to you."

"We don't have to hate each other."

"We do. We do have to hate each other."

"I had no idea who you were when I saw you."