Perhaps feeding the beast more liquor hadn't been the best idea.
"How's London been treating you then?"
"Terrible. I hate it. Mummy's flat in Kensington has three tennis courts but they don't even have a pool. Can you believe it?"
"Such injustice in the world..."
"I know, right?!"
My sarcasm was lost on her. Was this the best Selena had to offer in terms of matchmaking? I glanced away from her and my momentary disinterest sent a shiver of panic through the poor girl. She lurched forward, pressing her palm to my thigh, trailing her hand up the leg of my linen pants.
"Richard?" She asked, "what do you say we get out of here and go upstairs."
"Upstairs? For the view?" I asked, feigning ignorance and praying she'd drop the subject.
"No silly!" She giggled, "I think I can make you very happy tonight."
"Ginger --"
"Don't worry," she said, "I won't tell Selena."
I chuckled awkwardly, "it's not Selena I'm worried about."
I regretted my answer because I'd made it seem as if I wanted to leave with her. The last thing I wanted was to engage in any sort of relations with a drunk Ginger Hatchet. She leaned forward and kissed my cheek. I pressed my lips together in a closed, uncomfortable smile.
"What's the problem, Richard?"
"There's no problem, Ginger. I just... I don't know if this is a good idea."
"Why? You're the one Carmichael that doesn't like fucking?"
She burst into laughter and downed the rest of her White Russian. She might have crossed past the point of drunkenness where she was simply too far gone to feel humiliated. I downed the rest of my martini, wondering if perhaps catching up to her would put me in a better state of mind.
"No. It isn't that."
"Then what? Am I ugly?"
"Ginger, you aren't ugly."
"Then why won't you come upstairs?" She whined, with the indignation of a pampered princess used to getting her way.
I loosened my tie and cleared my throat. As I glanced across the boat, hoping to find an escape by recognizing an old friend or someone of that nature, my eyes caught a glimpse of a woman -- a different kind of woman than Ginger. She was a different kind of woman than anyone.
To make matters worse, she'd been the one staring at me...
"Ginger," I replied, "I've got to go. Head back to Selena and tell her I said to take good care of you."
"Richard!" She squealed.
I dashed across the boat, hoping to find the beautiful woman who had disappeared into the crowd.