I grew impatient with her non-answers. If she wasn't sure her daughter was alive, I had no interest in false hopes.
Gail then looked into my eyes intently. She peered into them as if she were trying to find my soul, or perhaps figure out if I even had one.
"Do you think that killing my son will bring your brother back?"
"I don't want to bring my brother back. I want revenge."
She sighed.
"Revenge. That's what started all of this didn't it?"
"My father started all of this. But he is not the only one to blame."
I did not expect her to agree with me, but she nodded.
"You're right. We have continued this fight when we would have all been allies."
"I was foolish to believe you could've put a stop to it," I retorted, not intending to cut her deeply, but having accomplished that goal.
Again, she smiled.
"Have you met Jamal? He is a very tenacious boy. Stubborn. He has always been that way."
"Then you should have taken control of him long ago."
"What am I supposed to do? I'm an old woman. A widow. I would have nothing if it weren't for my husband or for my children. They are all I have."
"If it were up to your family, I would have no one left. Excuse me if I am lacking in sympathy."
"It is not your sympathy I want, Richard."
"Then what is it you want?"
"I want an end to this."
"And you expect me to end it?" I snorted.
I could hardly see how the burden of ending the fight was on my shoulders.
She sighed, "I have not expected anything from anyone for a long time. I have my hopes. And I hope that you're man enough to put an end to things in a way that my husband or my son never could."
"Convenient that I'm the one who has to stop this fight after my family lies dead."
"I am sorry Richard. But if you could hear an old woman's plea for mercy... Spare my son. Demonstrate that you are willing to stop this fight. If you do so, I will use every bit of influence I have to ensure this is over for good. No more fighting. No more bad blood between the Holloways and the Carmichaels. This is all I ask of you."
I snorted.
"Oh, that's all? It's no small task you ask of me"
"I know. But I hope that you will be wise enough to see that all this violence can come to no good end."
"Have you tried having this discussion with your own son?" I huffed.
"Like I said, my son is stubborn.."
"And if I help you? Let's say, I do not kill your son. How would that benefit me? How would that benefit my family? We have lost our brightest minds. We have lost so much that I do not think our company or our family will ever recover. So how then, can you expect me to make a decision that can only benefit you."
"I suspect this is not just about my son," Gail replied, in a hushed rasping voice.