Page 27 of Alpha Bait

"We shouldn't be seen together, Richard! Goodbye."

"Richard?! No one calls me, Richard."

"Goodbye Richard," I repeated, hoping I'd irritate him into leaving me alone.

Rich jogged around me and stopped in front of me, blocking my path.


"Fancy running into you down here."

"I'm working."

"Right. On the big Holloway art exhibition. I didn't get the invite."

"I double checked my guest list this time. I wouldn't want to make any mistakes."

He laughed.

"You think you're so tough, don't you?"

"I am tough. And if you don't step out of my way, you'll find out just how tough I can get."

"Wow, now you're baiting me."

"Baiting you into what?"

"I think we need to talk indie," he replied.

"We really don't."

"I think we do. Otherwise I'll have to talk to Jamal about this."

"Oh, so I'm baiting you into blackmail?"


"You're such a prick."

"You didn't seem to think so the other night. “.

"Shhh!" I hissed.

"What you think the walls have ears?"

"Go away," I snarled.

"I won't go away until you talk to me."

"About what?"

"Did you really feel nothing for me?"


"Really? So those kisses... none of it was good?"

I inhaled sharply. The kisses hadn't been bad. They'd been amazing. In fact, every bit of that night had been amazing until I'd found out the man I'd been fraternizing with was Richard Carmichael III.