I wriggled my buttocks out of my underwear and tossed them across the room as Giac pushed my legs open and pressed his hardness against my entrance.
“Condom… please…” I whimpered, unsure of whether he’d oblige me or whether he’d force himself into me without one.
“I don’t have one,” he said.
He was so close, the tip of his hardness had nearly pushed past my lips. I heaved slowly, wondering how the hell I could turn him down when he was this close to being inside me. If I turned back now, I would never allow myself to have this moment — this control over who I was and who I’d be with.
“Skye will have them. In that basket over there,” I blurted out, remembering at the last moment how Skye always kept her guest room stocked.
He bolted for one and slipped it on, climbing between my legs again and pressing his sheathed monster up against my tightness.
“Are you sure you want it?”
I nodded.
“Please,” I whimpered, wrapping my legs around him and pressing my heels into his buttocks, egging him on to enter me and put me out of the miserable desperation of my desire.
Before he could slide into me an inch, the door rattled above as Skye pounded on it.
“Dahlia! Dahlia! You two need to get out of here! Men on bikes just showed up! Hurry!”
My chest tightened. How had they showed up? Nobody knew about this place except me, Skye and Giacomo. He bolted off of me and dressed faster than I’d seen anyone clothe themselves. I dressed and walked up the stairs to the door.
“Open the door, Skye, we’ll leave.”
Skye opened the door. Sure enough, headlights blared through the glass windows near her back door.
“Hurry,” she said.
“We’ll go out the front?”
“Yeah, they think this one’s the front. I’ll deal with them.”
A knock at Skye’s back door sent fear racing through my chest. We didn’t have time. She ushered us towards the front door and we raced out towards Giacomo’s bike. He tossed me a helmet and I mounted his bike again without a spare moment to think about what had almost happened between us.
“Where are we headed?” I asked after we first rested a ways away from Skye’s house.
“To Sicily?”
“Isn’t that where we have to go?”
I nodded. I’d never been to Sicily, but I had little interest in going with Giacomo of all people by my side.
“What are you going to do with all your weapons?”
“Santo will pick them up from the drop site. Don’t worry, Sicily has plenty of guns.”
He smirked and unloaded a small duffel from the back of his bike, dropping it off behind a tree.
“You’re leaving it here?”
“Enough questions.”
I got back on the bike and we started off down the highway again towards the airport. We stopped one last time at a store to pick up a few items of clothing and suitcases for us both.