"Now that Marisol is gone, tell me; what the hell was that all about?"
Tension thickens the air.
"Why, whatever do you mean, brother?" I feign innocence.
"What is your problem with Marisol?"
"Oh, you mean the vile person you sprung on us. I don't know what you're talking about." I look over at my mother. "How's that for letting it go, Mom?"
"For god's sake, Carter, can you pull your head out of your ass? I know you like to have everything planned down to the minute, but I invited her, and you treated her like shit."
"Sorry 'bout that."
"No, you're not. You didn't like her from the moment she arrived."
"Gut instinct."
"From a five-minute visit?"
"What can I say? Her superior attitude was shining through."
I can't help the sarcasm.
"I'll give you that; she's a little uppity. Still, it's no reason to be rudeāand you were. You were an arrogant ass and a bully."
I shrug off the comment and look away, still incensed that no one but me seems to have a healthy respect for our plans.
Declan throws his hands up. "Fine. I'll go stay with her."
"What? No." Mom intervenes.
"I can't just abandon her, Mom. It wouldn't be right. She's here because of me and she doesn't know anyone or anything about the area."
"But I don't want you to," Mom pleads, her crestfallen expression getting both of our attention.
"He wants to, can't you tell? He was probably just looking for an excuse. Well, there you go. I gave you one." I snarl, feeling a surge of anger.
"What is wrong with you?" He gives me a puzzled look. "We are not little kids, and you're not the fucking camp counselor."
"Declan! Language!" The harsh word catches Mom off guard.
"I can't help it. He's being completely unreasonable, not to mention controlling." Frustration is thick in his tone.
"Is that why you didn't tell anyone about her? Because you knew I wouldn't want a complete stranger here?"
He gives me a look of disbelief. "What? No. I didn't think it was that big a deal. I just wanted a friend to hang out with."
"Yeah, right," I mutter. "A friend," I say the words under my breath but not low enough so Declan doesn't hear them.
"She is a friend, asshole," Declan retorts, rolling his eyes and shaking his head. "She had a driver bring her down because I told her she might have fun." He looks away and inhales a deep breath. "And, oh, what fun it's been so far!" He rolls his eyes and throws his hands around in an animated motion.
Everyone stares at me. I look away in disgust. "I'm always the bad guy."
"Look, you and Lacey ... I just thought it might be fun. That the four of us could hang out."