I give her a suspicious look. “I told you; Imogen and I were still working out logistics.”
“Yeah, but you set a date, didn’t you?” she says, grinning. “And I need to know it, so I can rearrange all my plans to attend.”
I roll my eyes at her but laugh.
Over the last year since my first show with Imogen, I’ve quickly built a name for myself.
Imogen has promoted me to creative director for my own line. It’s been a whirlwind, but even though I’m busier at work than ever, I’m thriving.
I’ve never felt more fulfilled; it truly feels like everything is taking off.
Of course, I’ve also taken more time off this past year than ever before, but it’s been worth it—I attended every of Aaron’s games, cheering him on with all my heart.
Who knew I’d become a huge hockey fan? I’m practically a pro at yelling, ‘Shoot!’ and ‘Offside!’ now!
“We’re launching my line at the start of next year,” I say. “Don’t worry, I’ll let you know exactly when the party is.”
“Good!” Ellen claps her hands. “I love a good party.”
Aaron chuckles. “And that’s why you’ve decided to have four engagement parties yourself, isn’t it?”
Mike and Ellen beam at each other.
“Exactly,” Mike says.
“Does it really count as an engagement party when each is just Ellen organizing yet another charity fundraiser?” I ask, tapping my chin thoughtfully.
Ellen wrinkles her nose at me. “Of course it does! It’s the perfect blend of my love for the spotlight while supporting a good cause.
Our last engagement party helped fund over six hundred neonatal incubators for hospitals across the country!”
I lift my glass to her. “You’ve both done amazing work.”
“Just wait until I spill the details about our latest wedding plans,” Ellen sighs with a mischievous glint in her eye. “It’s going to be fabulous—assuming I don’t turn into a bridezilla first!”
“While we’re on the topic.” Mike stands and lifts his glass. “To Aaron and Bella. Two of the most wonderful people I’ve met. Thank you so much for your role in bringing me and my Ellen together.”
Ellen cheers. “Hear, hear!”
We all drink, then before I can, Aaron gets to his feet.
“Here’s to the most wonderful couple I know! You both have been an inspiration in countless ways.
Thank you for helping bring Bella and me together.” He grins at me. “I never could have done it without you.”
I beam back, savoring our private moment.
Then Ellen and Mike start cheering again, and I laugh as I down my drink.
I can’t help but think about how far Aaron and I have come, and how grateful I am for leaning into the parts of me that needed healing. It’s amazing to celebrate love and growth, surrounded by those who have supported us along the way.
“Oh!” Mike slaps his forehead, jolting me from my thoughts. “You were closing on that house in Castleton today, weren’t you?”
“We did!” I laugh, the excitement bubbling over. “It’s officially ours—our little cabin by the lake!”
Mike lifts his glass in a toast. “I have to say, this coming year won’t be the same without you, Aaron. But I’m sure retirement will be everything you’ve dreamed of.”
We dive into conversation about the team, reminiscing about the season. I hadn’t expected Aaron to retire this year, and neither had he. But ultimately, he decided to pursue his dream of coaching a youth team without delay.
He’s genuinely happy with his NHL career, and we both look forward to the adventures that await us in Castleton. It’s close enough to the city for my commute, and the house boasts a spacious garage that immediately sparked visions of a design studio.
Cinderella finally has a home.
“I love you all,” I say, tears of joy shimmering in my eyes. “You’re truly amazing.”
Aaron leans in and kisses me softly. “You are, too. My beautiful Bella.”
In that moment, I feel as if I’ve scored the dream of a lifetime.
~The End~