“And now, my protégé would like to say a few words,” Imogen announces.
She steps aside as the crowd politely claps.
I step to the microphone, my nerves fluttering in my ribs like a flock of confused butterflies, unsure if they should take flight or sit this one out.
“Hello, everyone. Most of you don’t know me, so let me introduce myself. I’m Bella. I’m the kind of person who usually shies away from the spotlight, so I promise to keep this brief.
As my eyes scan the crowd, they find Aaron, and a wave of calm washes over me, filling me with newfound confidence.
“Mostly, I just want to express my heartfelt thanks,” I continue, my voice gaining strength. “Thank you to everyone who believed in me more than I believed in myself. Without your unwavering support and encouragement, I wouldn’t be standing here today.”
The crowd claps more enthusiastically now.
I beam.
This is exactly what I want—to stand here, ready for my work to be judged on its own merits.
“So without further ado,” I call, “let’s get this party started, shall we?”
Laughter erupts in the room. I turn to Imogen, who is clapping enthusiastically. She loops her arm through mine, and together we hurry backstage once more.
“Was that a good introduction?” I ask anxiously.
Imogen smirks, taking my hands in hers. “It was perfect, Bella. Just perfect. Now hurry! We have a lot of work to do.”
I sprint to my station, my nerves swiftly replaced by the whirlwind of tasks ahead. But one thing remains unwavering: a burning certainty in my chest.
This show is just the first of many, and every design in the next will be inspired by one special place—Castleton, where I found the man I love.
Chapter twenty-six
I’ve never been to a fashion show before; my only experience comes from watching them on TV.
From that, I expect something mildly interesting—just a backdrop to support Bella’s big moment.
Oh, how wrong I am! The music blares through the speakers, shifting effortlessly from punk rock to jazz, techno to classical, creating an electrifying atmosphere that perfectly complements the stunning outfits the models strut down the runway.
Each beat ignites the crowd, transforming the experience into something far more exhilarating than I ever imagined.
The vibrant atmosphere buzzes with clapping, laughter, and cheers, and I eagerly await each new design as it’s announced.
The models radiate joy as they strut down the runway, clearly enjoying the spotlight. The energy is so infectious that when the show comes to an end, I’m genuinely disappointed, wishing it could go on forever.
“That was fantastic!” I exclaim to Ellen as the models return to the runway, showcasing their opening outfits once more.
Ellen, clapping and whooping, nods.
When the cheers die down, she leans closer to me. “All of Bella’s work paid off. I’m so thrilled for her! I love the range of designs she has.”
“Me, too,” I agree fervently. “I’m going to have to beg her to design me a couple of suits for my publicity events.”
Ellen gives me an approving look, then wags her finger in my face. “Just so long as you know you’re going to have to properly compensate her for her time and effort.”
“Just as you’ll properly compensate her for your wedding dress,” I shoot back.
“Of course! Now that we’re on the same page, how much are you going to invest in getting her clothing line started up?” Ellen smirks at me.