I lean over to Aaron as the opening previews play. “I hope you know that I don’t expect you to run over at the drop of a hat for me.”

Aaron shoots me a surprised look.

Why is he surprised? I called him fairly late in the day. Doesn’t he find it suspicious?

“I know you don’t expect me to drop everything,” he whispers back. “You invited me out, and I accepted because I wanted to. Fair’s fair, right?”


Aaron leans in closer as a particularly loud preview plays. The image is so dark I can barely make out anything on the screen.

“While we’re on the topic, though, there’s something I forgot to say the other day.”

My stomach clenches. Oh, no. What is it?

“Given our current non-labeled situation, I think it’s best if we agree that we both can see other people if the opportunity arises,” he whispers. “I want to make sure we’re both clear that there’s no expectation of exclusivity.”

Who does he want to see?

Jealousy rears its ugly head.

I bite down on the instinct to say no, that’s not acceptable. That I want more from this relationship than that.

It would, however, make me a raging hypocrite.

I don’t want to date you, but you’re not allowed to date anyone else.

Yeah, right.

I have no right to lay claim on him.

“You’re right,” I whisper back. “We’re both free to see other people.”

The previews switch off, and the movie starts. But in the dim light from the screen, I swear I see disappointment on Aaron’s face.


It’s nearly midnight when the movie is done. It was better than I expected, though probably not one I’ll watch again.

“Oh, Ellen sent a text,” I say, checking my phone as we leave the theatre. “She’s decided to stay overnight with Mike.”

I send a text back telling her to have fun.

“They seem to be quite happy with each other,” Aaron says.

“They are. I’m surprised that Ellen is already staying the night with him. She’s usually so cautious about the speed at which her relationships progress—it’s like she has a ‘slow and steady’ handbook,” I chuckle as we get to my car. “It seems Mike is making her throw caution to the wind.”

Aaron gives me a strange smile. Does he not approve of their relationship after all?

“I’m starved. You want to come to the apartment for something lite to eat?” I ask. “I’ll just end up ordering takeout if you don’t.”

He searches my face. “As a friend, right?”

I nod. “Just a friend.”

It’s a lie.

We’ll have the apartment to ourselves.