Usually, when I design, I focus on women’s apparel.
Today, after spending hours upon hours working on these dresses for Imogen’s show, I’m inspired by thoughts of Aaron for my designs.
Some people find success in a niche. Me, I like to have a varied portfolio.
I kick my feet into the air, lying on my stomach on my bed. My hands are smudged with pencil as I sketch a suit onto the male form in my book.
A form that may or may not be inspired by the broad shoulders and muscular arms of a certain kissing friend of mine.
My timer goes off. I grab my phone and hesitate.
It’s time for me to stop sketching and be done for the night. I have another long day ahead of me tomorrow. I need to be able to take time to relax and rest at night, otherwise, I won’t sleep.
Of course, I could just forget about all that and keep working.
I need every second I have if I’m going to produce something worthwhile.
With a groan, I shut my sketchbook and roll off my bed. I learned long ago that I do better work by taking breaks, rather than trying to fill every second of my day with work.
The only way I’ll be able to force myself to have a break is to get out of the apartment.
Ellen is having a romantic night with Mike—the details of which I’m sure she’ll want to share when she gets home.
However, she told me not to wait up for her.
I can’t wait and hope she gets back soon.
Besides, as lovely as it would be to do something with Ellen, there’s only one person I want to be with.
I bite my lip as I fiddle with my phone. Is it fair for me to call him? It’s pretty late. He probably has practice tomorrow…
“The worst he can do is say no,” I decide aloud.
I pull up his contact and hit the call button.
After a few rings, Aaron answers.
“Hey, Bella. Something up?” he asks, sounding concerned.
“I need to get out of the apartment and thought maybe you’d like to catch a movie with me,” I answer.
I catch myself twining my finger around a tendril of hair. Ugh! Am I trying out for the role of awkward teenager? Next thing you know, I’ll be scribbling his name in a heart on my notebook.
“If you can’t, that’s fine,” I add quickly. “I can call other friends.”
Like Imogen?
Nah, I’d probably just go by myself. Which is fine. I can spend time on my own.
“I’d love to catch a movie,” Aaron says, sounding eager. “I was getting bored anyway. Meet you at the theatre?”
“Sounds great!”
We arrive just in time to get tickets for the next showing of a fantasy movie. I’m not big into fantasy, but the trailers for this one have gorgeous costumes.