“Thank you,” I murmur.

My fingers itch to go through my designs and start the work of making patterns, but I hold myself back. I’m at work, which means I need to work.

But the first person I think of that I want to share this news with… is Aaron.


Two weeks go by. I’m up to my ears with work, but I’m enjoying every second of it. While I help Imogen prepare her designs for the show, I’m preparing my own to show off.

I’m going to have my work in a fashion show! Imogen has been a true champion for me. She’s even arranged for a small show here in the city, which she plans to use to introduce my work.

“But,” she told me when she revealed her plans, “I want this to be a trial run for you. I’ll keep an eye on things, but I want you to spearhead the whole thing.”

With how much work I have to do, you’d think I wouldn’t have time to think about Aaron.

But I do. I can’t stop thinking about him.

We’ve messaged a few times, and he seems excited about my show. I have been deliberately holding back, though.

It’s hard to keep up with all the changes in my life right now. It’s not fair to be too connected with him when I don’t know where this is going.

“And Imogen is inviting all the fashion influencers she knows,” I gush to Ellen one night as we cook supper together.

“Isn’t that the same night as Aaron’s charity dance, though?” she asks.

My stomach drops.

I forgot all about the dance.

“I… guess I might not go, then,” I hedge.

I’d promised Aaron I would help with that. Why hadn’t he brought it up again?

Was it because he s how busy I am?

Or is it because, like me, he’s afraid of his feelings?

That doesn’t seem like Aaron. More than likely, he’s giving me the space I asked for.

“You okay?” Ellen asks.

I nod distractedly. “I’ll just have to figure out what I need to do.”

Ellen stirs the chicken strips she’s frying. “It would be nice to see Aaron again, wouldn’t it?”

I shrug non-committedly

The truth is, it would be nice.

Too nice, perhaps.

Now that I’ve had time away from Steven, I’m starting to realize why I kept going back to him.

Because it was so easy to leave him.

Committing to someone else is a hard thing.

What if I end up with Aaron, only to find that we aren’t right together?