“You think Steven would deliberately sabotage you?”
Her cheeks flush pink. “That’s not what I said.”
“Sorry.” I grimace and shovel an extra-large spoonful of cereal into my mouth.
Bella’s fingers trace the edges of her book, her pink lips pursed in thought. “… But yes. That’s exactly what I’m afraid of. He’s done things in the past that he claimed were accidents, but when I think about it, it all seems like too much of a coincidence.”
I lower my spoon, carefully crafting my words before I speak. “Do you feel safe with him here?”
“Safe?” Bella’s brows pinch together. “What do you mean?”
“Do you think he’ll try to hurt you?” I ask bluntly.
Bella’s eyes widen. Her cheeks go even pinker. “Ah! Uh, no. No, I don’t think he’d hurt me. He’s not that kind of man.”
I nod, accepting her assessment.
I want to ask more questions, but it’s not my place. As long as she doesn’t feel threatened, I will be careful not to interject myself into their relationship.
After a few awkward moments, Bella gets up and refills her coffee. She sips at it black, her gaze slightly unfocused.
“There really isn’t any way out of Castleton except the one road,” she says, apparently lost in a whole new train of thought. “Not unless I was to get an ATV and go through the forest around the landslide.”
“And then what?” I ask.
“Drive the ATV all the way to the city?” she shrugs. “That’s assuming I even reach the highway.”
I finish off my cereal and lean back in my chair. “Maybe the four of us can find things to do around town. I’m sure there’ll be events to keep the trapped tourists happy.”
Bella smirks. “Ellen will be happy to spend more time with Mike.”
“Mike will be happy to spend more time with Ellen.”
“And you’re okay with that?” She narrows her eyes at me.
I lift my hands into the air. “Ellen isn’t my girlfriend anymore. Yeah, it’ll be awkward, but I’d like to think that we’re all adult enough not to make a big deal out of it.”
She sips her coffee, studying me. It’s like she’s trying to open up my skull and read my brain like the pages of a book.
That’s when it hits me.
Bella needs a project to keep her mind occupied.
I can help with that.
“Ellen and Mike would make a good couple,” I say slowly. “But given the situation, they might not act on their mutual attraction.”
Bella squints at me.
“So we should help them. You and I can play matchmaker and facilitate their romance.”
Bella starts to laugh, then stops. “You’re joking.”
I shake my head.
She stares at me, her eyes going round. “You’re serious!”
With a smirk, I nod.