Our work doesn’t give us many days off. We’re only able to explore the location we’re sent to after our job is done, and that’s usually only for a day or two before we get called for another task.
I grab my phone from my pocket and stare at my reflection. My eyes turn bronze with a tint of yellow. When I use my powers, I’ve been told that’s the color they change to. Like Killian, I also have a demon form, but my dark brown skin remains the same in both forms.
A black sedan with bright headlights pulls up right in front of us, and I put my phone back in my pocket. We both stand a little straighter. Because of the nature of our job, we’re always on high alert. The back door opens, and a pair of polished white shoes hit the ground before the man closes his door and steps into sight.
“Gentlemen.” The man in a white suit greets us. We’ve only met three agents from the Arcana Society, and these fuckers are always in a pristine suit. They always look friendly—they’re anything but.
“What’s the next job, Tanner?” Killian asks, already getting bored with the fake niceties.
Tanner’s posture is rigid, exuding an air of unspoken authority as his polished shoes dig into the gravel. His grin widens, showing those sharp, pointed teeth, and he gets right to the point. “Your job is to investigate if there’s a Succubus running loose.”
Did I hear this correctly? I turn to Killian, and he lifts one pierced brow in confusion. I guess he heard the same thing.
“They’ve been wiped out,” I say, crossing my arms, but I’m intrigued by the possibility that there might still be one roaming around.
“So we thought. I need you guys to check it out and report back to me immediately.” He stares straight into our eyes, demonstrating his dominance. If we really wanted to, we could spring our nightmares on him. Unfortunately, we’re bound to the Arcana by magic, and we can’t hurt any of them without severe consequences, not even their lackeys.
“There was a body found which showed signs of accelerated decay, but the FBI Unit got to it first and burned it already.” Yeah, the FBI Unit doesn’t listen to anyone in the Arcana. They do whatever they want. They’re one of the branches that doesn’t listen to the almighty society. “We have someone on the ground inside their unit who leaked their internal report. The body indicated a Succubus kill, but those dumb fucks didn’t even notice.”
“You think they missed the signs or they’re covering it up?” Killian asks, his focus on the man in front of us.
“We have no reason to think it’s foul play, but that’s why we need both of you to check it out.”
If I had any doubts before about us being the best hunters, I don’t anymore. “Should we kill—”
“No,” he answers immediately, cutting me off. I hate being interrupted, but I let him continue. “If you find a Succubus, we want her alive.”
He hands us each a file and we open it, but there’s only one page in it with the location of where we need to go.
Los Angeles.
Well, that sucks for Killian. Maybe next time he’ll get to see Hawaii. There’s no other information or pictures to help us identify this person.
“Report back with any news immediately. This case is sensitive.” His gaze hardens as he addresses us, his voice a deliberate rumble that echoes with the weight of his words.
Aren’t they all? I want to roll my eyes.
There’s a gleam in Killian’s eye. He has already forgotten how he’d hoped to get an assignment in Hawaii. Now, he can’t wait to see if the reports might hold some truth to them. Truth be told, I’m really curious about this assignment too. I mean a Succubus would be the catch of the century.
This is my favorite part of the job. I lick my lips, excitement running through my body. We’re going hunting for a Succubus.
Chapter 4
I’d rather be locked up than be in close proximity to a fae. Especially one who believes I murder for sport. This is better than being locked up in a cell. I try to convince myself over and over in hopes that I’ll believe my words. At least this way, I’ll be able to feed. It’ll be a lot harder getting away from his lingering gaze, but not impossible. At least for now, I think I’ll be good for a week.
Agent Rodriguez clears her throat and glances at her partner. “Agent Cooper—”
“I don’t trust her, and I’d feel a lot safer if I kept my eyes on her.” He never removes his cold gaze from mine.
“We have other agents for that. You’re the star of the department. You don’t have to stoop so low as to babysit a grown-ass woman.”
I’m starting to think this is more about her being afraid I’ll seduce him. Little does she know; I can’t do that. I mean, I can, but I’m sure he’ll know what I am in an instant. Whatever type of fae he is, he sure is powerful. Great, just my luck.
“End of discussion, Gabby.”
Oh, this must be serious if he just used her first name. I try to lift my hands for him to undo my cuffs, but they snap back to the table I’m tethered to with a thud. I’m glad I got away with my story about being a shifter instead of having to break out. Lock picking is a skill my abuelita made me learn, but I try to keep things like that to myself.