Page 120 of The Charm of You

I maneuver through the handful of high-tops scattered around the area, each with a colorful centerpiece decorating it. What seem to be pictures are strewn on each too.

It looks more like a wedding reception than a high school reunion.

At the bar, I order a bourbon and lean against the counter as the soft violin music replaces the previously upbeat techno songs. Addie got her way, not that I expected anything less. I just wonder if Owen’s limbs are still intact, or if she ripped them off when he tried to stop her.

To be honest, I’m on Addie’s side with this one. The gentler melody is far more appropriate for this setting, as it makes it easier for couples and old friends to chat and share a slow dance like the adults we are.

With my glass in hand, I snag a flute of champagne for Caroline from a passing server, but I don’t make it back to her. I don’t even get two feet from the bar when Keely slides in front of me.

“What’re you doing here?” I ask. She wasn’t in our class, and neither was Tanner. Wait—was he?

She points to our side. “I’m here with Davis.”

I follow the direction of her finger and nod. Now him, I know, but only because he’s a local accountant. I’ve used him for taxes in the past.

“What happened to Tanner? I thought you two were supposed to ride off into the sunset or whatever,” I grumble.

“Don’t patronize me, Austin.” She frowns.

“I’m not.” I open and close my mouth, confused. “Tanner was the reason you ended things with me, wasn’t it?”

Her eyes fill with sadness. “You and I were never going to take the next step, and you know it.”

My lips sink into a firm, somber line.

“You weren’t into me.” She glances at the two drinks in my hands. “Not like you’re into Caroline Summers.”

As much as I wish I could deny it for Keely’s benefit, it would be unfair to lie to her like that.

“I’m not surprised.” Her laugh lacks any trace of humor. “She’s always had every guy in this town wrapped around her finger. She’s gotten any guy she’s ever wanted, and now she’s set her sights on you. It’s really… great. I’m so happy for you.”

It doesn’t sound like she really means it. She says the words like she’s reading them off a script, and they reach my ears with an underlying twinge of jealousy in them.

“Just don’t mess it up with her like you did with me.” Her expression falls into a foreboding shadow. “Caroline Summers is not the kind of girl who will wait around for you to get your head out of your ass.”

Davis cuts between us and nods at me in greeting, then offers her a drink and steals her away.

Caroline materializes in Keely’s spot, and her eyes glow with shades of pink under the setting sun. “You disappeared.”

“Your champagne was playing hard to get.” I offer her the drink, and her fingers brush against mine as she accepts it.

She meets my gaze as we clink glasses, and we don’t look away as we sip in sync.

I only tear my eyes away from hers to follow the swipe of her tongue across her bottom lip.

“This champagne has every right to be difficult—it’s divine.” Her rosy cheeks split into an easy grin, and warmth settles into the pit of my stomach.

“Dance with me,” I say in a low, gravelly voice.

She takes another sip, then places both of our glasses onto the bar.

I slide my arm around her waist and rest my hand at the small of her back, my splayed fingers skimming the top of her ass.

I fight a groan.

The possessive bear inside me grips her a little harder until she releases a high-pitched yelp. It washes over me.

It practically blinds me.