Page 113 of The Charm of You

Principal Weathers waves for our attention, and once we’ve quieted enough, he says, “Let’s get this party started, shall we?”

We shuffle as one big flock toward the auditorium for Weathers to present us with the new and improved seats, the fresh artwork painted on the walls, and the curtains, which no longer have a giant hole in them. All throughout high school, there was a hole in one of the velvet curtains, and during every talent show or any other stage event, someone would poke their head through it and make faces for the audience.

That someone was usually Owen.

During what sounds like a rehearsed monologue from Weathers, Nathan scoops Addie into a hug. “How the hell are you?” he says, clearly happy to see her. I get a fraction of the enthusiasm as he sets her onto her feet, then shakes my hand.

“Is anyone else joining us this morning?” he asks Addie.

“I don’t think so.” She takes stock of the dim auditorium, tongue in her cheek in contemplation. Then she snaps her gaze to his again. “Unless… Are you looking for a specific someone?”

He rocks on his heels, his dark eyes crinkling in the corners like he holds a secret.

“Maren’s working this morning, if that’s what you’re wondering.”

“Sure, but not just her… I was also curious about… Bond.” He nods toward the guy. “And look. There he is. I should say hi.”

“Uh-huh,” Addie chirps.

“Caroline Summers—dear God.”

I glance behind me as Wake wraps his arms around the woman I had in my bed not eight hours ago, and something twists in my gut.

“You look amazing,” he tells her as the principal drones on from the stage about the fall musical scheduled for next month.

My eye fucking twitches as I remember Caroline’s roller coaster relationship with that guy. They were on-again, off-again, with more ups and downs than a damn soap opera. I always thought she deserved better, but she kept going back to him like his dick was made of gold or something.

Fuck. Was this jackass her first?

I clench my jaw, internally begging my mind not to spiral into that godforsaken rabbit hole. It wouldn’t lead to anything good. After all, high school was a lifetime ago.

Everything’s different now.

“He has a girlfriend, you know,” Addie says, staring at Caroline and Wake as they continue chatting in hushed tones. “She’s in town with him. They were at the chili dinner together last night, and I overhead his mother Carol telling Annabelle that he’s going to marry her. Bought a ring before they flew out here and everything. He just wanted his mama to meet her first. It’s sweet, really.”

“The sweetest,” I deadpan.

“You should try it sometime.”

“Sweet is overrated. Just ask Caroline.”

Addie mumbles something incoherently, and I steal one last glimpse of the old couple reuniting at the original setting of their teenage romance.

“On toward the classrooms.” Weathers waves for us to follow him through the side entry off the stage.

In the hall, Caroline falls into step with me, and I unclench my fists at my sides.

We enter the biology room first, where posters of the human body and molecular diagrams stare back at us from the muted walls. The rectangular tables are set up in two rows with two stools on either side of each, the black tops empty. The faint scent of formaldehyde drifts over me, but it quickly fades the longer we’re in here.

The concoction of smells in the garage has prepared my nose for anything. That, and with Caroline so close, her perfume rises above anything unpleasant.

My hand brushes hers, and the simple contact gets my blood pumping.

Even though we’ve been open about us the last couple of days, it still feels like she and I share a private bubble. It’s like we’re the only two people on an island.

These are the halls where I first developed a crush on her, but now, it’s like we’re rewriting history.

In the math classroom, Emily and Yvonne step between us and giggle with Caroline. Emily whispers, “Didn’t Mrs. Calumet once catch you and Wake making out in here?”