“Like what?” I furrow my brow.
“A car accident? Or what if she drowned in a pile of calendars and Post-It notes?” He pins me under his surprisingly serious gaze.
I pinch the bridge of my nose as Nathan McAllister joins us.
“What are we staring at?” he asks, turning to face the door and mimicking Owen’s and my stances.
“The girls” is all Owen offers.
“Right,” Nathan draws out. “Any particular girls, or…”
“Addie,” I say. “We’re waiting for her. She’s supposed to arrive with Caroline and Maren.”
“Have you seen Maren yet?” Owen asks Nathan with a wiggle of his brows. “She looks good, man. The single life is treating her rather well.”
He responds with an all-knowing narrowed gaze. “Hand it over.”
“I don’t know to what you are referring.” Owen holds his head high.
Nathan shakes his head. “You are so fucking drunk, you probably already have a hangover.” He continues gesturing with his hand. “I know you’re hiding a flask somewhere in this jacket. Give it to me.”
“This is not Mr. Mitchell’s history class. You don’t have the right to confiscate my contraband.”
“Don’t make me go in there.”
“I dare you.”
Nathan yanks on Owen’s lapels and pats him down like an angry FBI agent searching for illegal shit, but Owen doesn’t give up easily. He throws an arm over Nathan and hooks it around his neck in a half-ass choke hold.
I stand back as they wrestle like rowdy teenagers with nothing better to do.
“Why am I not surprised to find you two fighting like two monkeys after a single banana?” Addie appears next to me, hands on her hips.
I was so distracted by the ridiculous, juvenile display of testosterone that I didn’t notice her walking up.
Nathan jerks the flask up in victory and jumps back, the thick veins in his neck popping with pride. Owen smooths his jacket down, and when his eyes land on Addie, he freezes. Something unrecognizable comes over him, like he’s… in awe.
He might also be in shock, considering all week, Addie’s hair hasn’t looked like she’s washed it in a month. But right now, the strands are curled into shiny waves, and her makeup looks to have been done by a professional. It’s something a certain someone would’ve helped with…
Owen looks at Addie like I imagine I’m looking at Caroline, who stands in the doorway in a thin pink dress and strappy heels. The silky material falls effortlessly over her curves, hiding very little.
Dear God, is she wearing anything under that dress?
My hands curl into fists at my sides as I tamp down the urge to march over, toss her onto my shoulder, and race us to my bed. This reunion is going to be fucking torture.
“You seriously brought your own booze?” Addie gapes at Owen. “I used twenty-five percent of the budget to stock the bar for everyone, and you had the audacity to bring your own. Wow.”
Owen points a thick, accusatory finger at Nathan, who still holds the flask. “I did no such thing. That’s Nate’s.” He drops his jaw and exaggerates his outrage toward his old friend. “How could you?”
But Addie rolls her eyes, clearly seeing right through the dumbass’s weak cover-up. “I know it’s yours. It has your initials on the side in obnoxiously large letters. Was that a gift from your frat bros?” she tosses at him. “And what is this music? What happened to the gentle violin soundtrack I left here to be played?”
“This is more fun than boring violin music,” Owen argues.
“Of course, it was your doing.” She makes her way toward the welcome table, and he follows behind her.
All the while, he states his case for the “electric tunes,” and Nathan and I sidle next to Maren and Caroline. The four of us stare after the bickering pair, whose debate carries across the high ceilings and over the techno music.