Page 75 of Protecting Hailey

“I’m sorry to hear you’re going through a hard time. As Hailey said, we’re all here for you. If you need anything, just call.”

Frankie sniffed and smiled. “Thank you.” Turning to Hailey, he added, “Thank you both. It means a lot to me knowing I have a welcoming place to come back to when I’m ready.”

Hailey pulled him in for another hug. “We’ll see you soon.”

Frankie then turned, shook hands with Sam, and saluted me. “Take care of my girl,” he said.

“With my life,” I assured him.

As he was about to turn and leave, he snapped his fingers. “Hailey, I almost forgot. We’ve got some tour dates planned. I’ll have my assistant send them to you while I’m away. It includes Europe and Japan. Should be a blast, babe.”

Hailey maintained her smile, but it didn’t reach her eyes. “Amazing, thanks.”

“Sure thing.” He waved goodbye and walked back to his car.

“A world tour? Hailey, that’s huge! We need to announce those dates on social media and get everyone excited about it. It will help with ticket sales.”

Hailey looked at me. I smiled weakly and turned away, hoping it would seem like I was trying to give them some privacy. The truth was. I didn’t want her to read the disappointment on my face, not until I had some time to process how I felt. We moved around a lot throughout my childhood. I’d never imagined I’d ever live like that again. Living out of a suitcase wasn’t easy. I enjoyed the stability I had now.

After my tour, I moved to New York with my brothers. I thought I’d never move again, but I’d been considering it ever since falling in love with Hailey. But a world tour? That would last six months, maybe more.

“Excuse me,” I said and turned away.

I walked back to my room and sat on the bed.

Could I live like that again? I thought, pressing the heels of my hands to my eyes.

I needed to talk this through with someone.

I dialed Jager’s number.

“Hey, Chris. How’s Hailey doing?”

“She’s good. Yeah, she’s doing much better today.”

“That’s good news. What can I do for you? Do you need me to hack into anyone’s phone?”

I chuckled. Jager made that sound like a normal request, like the way someone else would ask if they could pick up a jug of milk at the grocery store instead of infiltrating a stranger’s life.

“No, I’m all good on that front. I called because I’ve got relationship issues.”

Jager groaned. “Ah, man. Why didn’t you call Jake first?”

“Because this one has to do with being an army kid, and you’re the only one that gets that.”

Jager went to four different high schools growing up. He knew the toll moving could take.

“All right. What’s going on?”

“You know that Hailey and I have grown close while on this assignment.”

I could hear Jager’s eyes roll over the phone. “Yes. It seems to be an epidemic among my brothers. I hope I don’t catch it.”

“That’s the thing. I love being in love with Hailey. She’s the best thing that’s ever happened to me.”

“Then what’s the problem?”

“She’ll be going on tour soon. You know how it goes. It could be six months or more before she’s back home. I’d go with her, of course. I just… well… I hadn’t thought I’d be back to living that sort of life again. And what will that mean for you guys? I’d be leaving you one man down.”