Sitting exactly where I’d been for at least twenty minutes, I looked up at Christian as he entered the kitchen. His eyes drooped, and he ran a hand over his face.
“Are you all right?”
My mouth trembled, but no words came out. Instead, my chin quivered, and the tears fell again.
“Shit, Hailey.” He dropped down to the floor next to me and gathered me into his arms. The heat from his body warmed the chills that ran through mine. He kissed the top of my head, my temple, and my forehead. Each press of his lips left a warm trail, but it didn’t take away the ache in my chest. Not completely.
“Everything’s going to be all right,” he said softly. He rocked me back and forth. The motion comforted me, but I knew I wouldn’t be all right. Not tonight. Maybe not even tomorrow.
Looking over his shoulder at an officer at the entrance, I asked, “Do I need to speak to the police?”
He nodded.
“I don’t think I can do that tonight.”
“They’re going to want to talk to you while it’s still fresh in your head. Besides, the quicker you get this done, the sooner you can forget about it.”
I swallowed the lump in my throat. I didn’t think I would ever forget her hateful words or the loathing that emanated from her body.
“I’ll sit with you the entire time and won’t let them ask you anything that isn’t relevant to tonight. I’ll answer as many questions as I can for you.” He moved his body to rise. “Do you think you can stand up, baby?”
I nodded, but when I tried to move my body, it felt as though I were weighed down by bricks, and I dropped my head onto his shoulder.
“It’s all right. We’ll just sit here a little while longer.”
He held me tighter and pressed his lips to my temple a little bit harder.
When a police officer approached us, Christian waved him away. The officer didn’t seem too pleased, but his eyes met Christian’s and he didn’t argue any further.
I closed my eyes and tried to gather my strength.
Come on, Hailey. Get up.
I leaned on Christian to help me stand. With a hand on my elbow, he helped me up. He wrapped his arm around my waist and I stood taller.
Walking over to the police officer who stood by the doorway, I inhaled a deep breath and said, “I’m ready to tell you what happened.”
The police left a few minutes ago, and Hailey was in the shower. I locked the doors and set the alarm.
I knew as soon as I found the car empty that Ingrid was up to something. But it didn’t matter how prepared I was, nothing would have prepared me for seeing the woman I love being held at knifepoint.
I’d only been gone a couple of minutes, but it was enough time for Ingrid to reach Hailey.
I replayed my actions over and over again, and while I should have known better, I couldn’t let it get me down again. I learned from my past that I couldn’t dwell on it. It wasn’t helpful. We all made mistakes. It was what you did afterward that mattered.
I’d saved Hailey.
I didn’t want to think what would have happened had Ingrid pressed the knife any harder. I’d seen people like her before. I was no psychologist, but she wasn’t a killer. She was hurt, and she wanted to hurt Hailey back. Her left hand had trembled while she held the knife with her right. If I thought for even a second that Ingrid would have killed Hailey, I wouldn’t have hesitated to pull the trigger. I’d been trained to shoot, but it didn’t mean I didn’t hate it.
Now that the threat was neutralized, I could begin planning my return home. But I wasn’t here as a bodyguard anymore. No, that changed a while ago. I was here because I loved that woman. So damn much.
The water stopped and Hailey emerged from the bathroom a few minutes later. Steam swirled around her wet hair.
I grabbed a brush. “Come here.”