The guy looked at my suit and tie and nodded at me. “Do you have a change of clothes?”
“Yeah, in my car.” I didn’t want to leave Hailey unattended. “But I’ll take a T-shirt and shorts.” I pointed to the merchandise behind the counter. “And the smallest size boxing gloves you have.”
The guy sized me up and then pulled out the clothing. “I’m going to change quickly. Wait right here.”
She nodded, but her gaze was on the boxers. I grabbed the T-shirt and shorts and marched to the change room. I ripped off my jacket and pants and unbuttoned my shirt as quickly as I could. It couldn’t have been more than five minutes since I’d left her, but when I returned to the gym, Hailey wasn’t there.
I searched the room and quickly located her talking to the man in red shorts. He grinned at her with his gold teeth, and my fist clenched.
“Are you ready?” she asked when she saw me approach.
“Yes. Come with me.”
She waved goodbye at the boxer, and I stared him down. He raised his chin at me and I ignored him. Experiencing as much combat as I had, these types of pissing matches meant little to me.
Except I hadn’t liked the way he looked at her. And as rarely as it happened, I had to admit that for the first time in a very long time, I let some random guy get to me.
I stretched my neck from side to side, forgetting him and focusing on Hailey. This was about her and letting her frustrations out.
I held open the gloves as she slid her hands inside.
“All right. We’re going to start slowly.” I positioned myself behind the heavy bag and held it steady for her. “Use your right fist to protect your face and then jab with your left.” She raised her right arm and hit the bag tentatively with her left fist.
“Good. But try it like you mean it this time.”
She repeated the movement with the same light punch. That type of hit wouldn’t release a fart, never mind her frustration.
I stepped away from the bag and positioned myself behind her. Raising her right hand, I held it close to her face, nearly touching her cheek. Then I pulled her left hand back past her chest, and she inhaled slowly. An electric current passed through my body and seemed to run through hers as we both stood still for a minute. I wasn’t sure what she felt, but for me, it was as though my body tingled from my toes to the tips of my hair.
“How did you know I was left-handed?” she whispered.
I curled my fingers around her shoulder. “I notice everything about you, Hailey.”
She inhaled again, and this time, my body moved closer to her.
What the hell are you doing, soldier?
Shaking my head from the stupor, I stepped back and cleared my throat. “Try hitting the bag again in this position. Keep your arm straight when you punch so you don’t hurt your wrist.”
I moved behind the bag and watched her try again. “That’s it. Much better. One more time.”
She pulled her arm back and jabbed harder this time. “Perfect, Hailey. Again.”
She grunted and punched it harder still. I ran back behind her, eager to show her the next move. “Let’s try a combination punch. Ready?”
She nodded.
“Okay. You’re going to jab twice with your left and then hook with your right. Like this.” I wrapped my fingers around her wrists and simulated the jabs along with her. Then I grabbed her right wrist and showed her how to hook the punch.
“Think you got it?” I asked next to her ear.
Reluctantly, I moved away from her and grabbed hold of the bag. “Give it everything you got, Hailey.”
She gritted her teeth and punched. “That’s it. Again.”
With a grunt, she hit the bag with all her might, and I smiled. “Move your right leg back. It will help you balance better and give you more power.” She followed my instructions perfectly.