Page 77 of Never Feed a Dragon

But there had been a purpose to the teasing.

He wanted a relationship. Which he couldn’t have known I didn’t want… but he’d still wanted it.

And even if we were meant to be, what did it matter? I didn’t want a romantic relationship. I didn’t want a repeat of Gavin.

I just wanted… peace.



Granted, I didn’t like being alone.

Maybe I even hated it.

Not having anyone to cook for?

Not having anyone to joke with?

Not having anyone around?

It was lonely for me.

Really lonely.

And I didn’t want to do that for the rest of my life.

So maybe being roommates was still the right answer.



He might be willing to be roommates, but he wanted more.

And as much of a bitch as I could be, I wasn’t purposefully cruel. I didn’t want to hurt him. Being roommates might be perfect for me, but it wasn’t what he wanted. Which meant I’d be using him.

I couldn’t just use him.

Concealing the truth aside, he was a good guy. And a really good friend, even with that considered.

So no, I couldn’t use him.

But what was the alternative?

There was no answer that would satisfy both of us.

I bit my lip.

Though I’d prefer to deal with my shit on my own, Randa was my sounding board. She always had been.

So, I called her.

The phone rang a few times. Just as it started going to voicemail, she answered.

“Hello?” She sounded out of breath.

I wasn’t asking why.