We only stopped screwing when we needed to eat or sleep. Even that didn’t last long, because the pain returned whenever we weren’t having sex. And neither of us wanted me to be in pain.
Especially not when the alternative was so, so good.
Our room was a wreck and our bodies reeked of pleasure when the last climaxes finally tore through us, leaving me breathless beneath Eli’s delicious body.
He groaned as heat’s intense pressure finally started to fade, and he dropped his forehead to rest against mine.
My chest heaved as I tried to catch my breath, my legs quivering after so many mind-blowing orgasms.
But the pain was finally disappearing, and the fire in my veins along with it.
Our breathing evened out together, and my body relaxed in a way I wasn’t sure it ever had before. Heat had been exhausting, but in an awesome way.
And it was a good thing birth control existed. A great thing. Because whew, that was a lot of sex.
I didn’t even want to look at the bed’s sheets.
Or the couch.
Though I was wiped out, I was itching to leave the hotel room. We’d been inside for a really long time, and there was a lot to explore before we headed home in a few days.
“How do you feel about wandering around the town today?” I mumbled against Eli’s lips. The brush of them was intimate, but physical intimacy wasn’t new for us after the way the last two weeks had gone. “I think I saw the sun peeking out above the curtains an hour or two ago.”
Eli’s head lifted for a moment before his forehead pressed against mine again. “Yep, looks like the middle of the day. I could go for lunch and some walking around, as long as you agree on an afternoon nap.”
He nodded against me.
“Mind letting me shower first?” I asked. “Might be nice to have a few minutes of privacy.”
“Sure.” He brushed a light kiss to my lips before pausing and retreating. “Sorry. Roommates.”
“It’s fine. It’ll take us both a few days to get used to touching less.”
He made a noise of agreement, then finally rolled off of me.
I padded across the room, bare-assed and feeling his eyes on my backside as I went. I had to have been imagining it, though, because the man had certainly gotten more than his fill in the last two weeks. He had no need to check me out anymore.
We’d go back to being platonic until heat struck again, in another month.
Or I guess, we wouldn’t go back to it.
We’d never really been friends.
So… we’d figure out how to be platonic until heat struck again.
Yep, that sounded better.
The shower was so nice, I stayed in longer than I should’ve. When my stomach’s growling got too loud, I finally forced myself to shut off the water and get out.
The bathroom door was propped open; I hadn’t bothered closing it. When I noticed a clean pair of my clothes on the countertop, my eyebrows lifted.
“You got clothes for me?” I called out.
“Yup. Found them while I was cleaning up.”