Page 48 of Never Feed a Dragon

“Good morning, you mean.”

He chuckled again. “Sweet dreams.”

My lips were still curved upward as I fell asleep.

Nighttime had arrived again when we finally woke up.

I was covered in sweat, though only some of it was from heat. The rest was from having a hot, nearly-naked man pressed up against me for more than twelve hours.

I hadn’t slept in bed with a man since…

Well, I wasn’t going to think about that.


Not even a little.

Eli’s stomach growled loudly, and I smiled. He laughed. “Guess I need to order us some food.”

“Guess so,” I murmured.

“How’d you sleep?” His hand smoothed a few wild strands of hair off my face, giving me more goosebumps. I was not prepared for him being sweet to me. Or anyone being sweet to me, actually.

“Really well,” I admitted. “You?”

“Better than ever.” He kissed my temple like he had the night before, and my face would’ve warmed if I wasn’t already so flushed.

And wet between my thighs.

Really, really wet.

Eli inhaled. “You smell so damn good.”

My lips curved. “I’ll work on it.”

“Don’t even think about it.” He squeezed my hip, his hand still resting on it beneath the blanket. “What do you want for late-night breakfast? I can order room service.”

“We could go out and look for something outside. I’d like to explore a little, before heat gets worse.” My eyes focused on the window in front of us. A thick blackout curtain was closed over it, keeping the room dark, but I’d peeked through the night before. The city was stunning, and I was dying to see it.

Eli didn’t answer right away, which told me he didn’t like the suggestion. My hopes fell a little, and I braced myself for disappointment.

Instead, his hand slid off my hip and over my abdomen, gliding smoothly over my skin. My lower belly tensed, but I loved the touch.

“I’d like to explore with you,” he said. “But I’m volatile right now. If someone looks at you wrong, I may remove his head.”


Well, at least he was honest and hadn’t given me some bullshit about being lazy or tired or whatever. I appreciated the truth, always. Even when it sucked.

“Is there anything we can do to reduce it?”

He considered it for a moment, still moving his hand over my belly. It was making me hornier, but I didn’t bring that up. He could probably smell it anyway. “If you let me get you off before we go, and you agree to stay right by my side so we’re touching continuously, I’d be willing to try it. No promises I’ll make it long out there, though.”

My eyes widened.

Had he just offered to give me pleasure without taking any himself?

He had.