So, that left me with one option for information.
Yeah, sleep sounded better.
I closed my eyes and let out a long, slow breath, trying to silently persuade my mind that all was well.
I was completely zen.
Zen enough to fall asleep, even though I was practically a puddle of sweat, and my entire body hurt.
It was a great day.
Great. Day.
I forced myself to wait another fifteen minutes before I started to feel like I might actually sweat to death. Then, I finally sent a message.
You awake?
I listened for a ding, but didn’t hear anything.
He probably had the thing on silent.
And had left it in his jacket pocket or something.
I huffed.
Dammit, I was going to have to stop being stubborn.
Raising my voice, I called out, “Eli?”
“Mmhm?” His muffled response was immediate.
“Grab your phone.”
I listened for motion, but didn’t hear anything.
Mine vibrated in my hand a few seconds later.
What’s up?
I’m sweaty
That would be heat